5- New Home

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Once Victor and Kaila got to the brothers' house, Jax started to protect his sister from the men who had just kidnapped them.

"We just need to make sure she isn't hurt, Pup." Vic says, advancing towards the two children.

Jax growls, and Kaila wraps her arms around Jax.

"I don't like this, Jax. They seem scary." Kaila whispers to her brother.

"I know you're scared. And that's okay. My brother and I won't harm you at all." Liam says, coming behind the two children.

"Leave us alone." Jax says, bring Kaila to the front of him.

"No can do. You are staying here." William says, grabbing a needle with sedation, and gently, but firmly, sticking the needle into Jax's neck.

Jax yelps in pain, and tries to fight the sedation. Victor walks over to Jax, and gently picks him up, carrying Jax into his room and setting him down on his bed.

"Come on Sweetie. Come here, so we can see if you're hurt." Liam says, advancing towards the small girl, who is hiding her head in her hands.

Kaila shakes her head.

Will picks the small girl up, earning a squeak.

"Calm down. I'm just going to take you to the kitchen so we check you over." Liam says.

Tears stream down the girl's face, but she doesn't make a sound.

William sets her down on the counter, and Victor comes over, taking off the girl's warm outerwear.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Victor asks, pulling off the girl's ratty boots.

They didn't get an answer.

William pulls the girl's shirt up, and see no wounds on her stomach.

Tiny hands try to ripe the shirt back.

Victor hold the hands back, and Kaila resorts to kicking. She starts screaming her head off, and kicks both William and Victor, hard.

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