13- Wake Up

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At 8:42 the next morning, Jax awoke to a hand touching his head.

He opened his eyes as soon as possible, and growled, snatching the imposter's hand in his own.

It was just Victor, who was waking the children up.

"Woah! It's okay, Jax!" Victor says, seeing the teenager scared and angry.

Jax seems to be in a state of shock over what he has done. He quickly lets go of Victor's hand, dropping his own in his lap.

"S-sorry." He says, hanging his head in shame.

Victor is startled, but quickly recovers.

"Hey. It's okay." He says, sitting down on his bed. He was close to Jax, but not to close. "Wanna talk about why you reacted that way?"

All Victor gets is a shake of the werewolf's head.

This make Victor a touch sad. He was expecting this, but had hoped that the eldest child had trusted him a bit more. But, he doesn't let the boy know that he's sad.

"That's okay, Bud. Take you time trusting us." Victor says, patting Jax's hand. "Are you hungry? I made breakfast for you and your wolf."

Jax's head perks up with hearing about food.

Victor smiles at the teenager's actions.

"Come along. Kaila already ate her breakfast. Her wolf is eating now." Victor says, heading to the door.

Jax quickly gets up, not wanting to be left alone.

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