17- Drip of the Waterfall

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Once the vampires knew Kaila was asleep, they knew they could press Jax more to get the information they need.

William quickly took Kaila to his own room, setting her on the bed.

Victor slowly walks over to Jax.

"Jax. We need to know what happened to you two." He softly says, hoping to calm the teen wolf. 

"Don't wanna talk about it." Jax replies, eating the bowl of oatmeal that Victor had pushed into his hands. 

"Jax." Victor starts, sternly, "I need to know what has happened so I can help you too."

Jax sighs. "I wasn't ever going to keep this secret for longer than a week, was I?"

While Victor knew that Jax was talking to Jax's-self, he felt obligated to answer. 

"Not when this 'secret' of your's involves the safety of both you and your sister. Then it's dangerous to keep as a secret. You as a teenager and older brother should know this. Whether or not you do, if different. But I want no more dangerous and harmful secrets while you live under my roof. Deal?"

Jax sighs, tugging a brown lock of hair. "Fine." 

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