25- Clouds Darken

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I am going to explain the last line in the last part so no one gets confused. For Jax, Fenrir is his wolf's name that William and Victor decide to name him. Kaila is Ella. William and Victor are trying to track down the causes of what happened to the children, so they knew that using the wolves would be the best. While Jax won't remember anything, his body and voice will be telling the story. His wolf, Fenrir will just be guiding Jax to tell what is needed to know. William didn't tell Jax this because he didn't want Fenrir knowing before the actual conferentation. 

TW: There will be mentions of using drugs all throughout this chapter.


"You drugged Jax?" Fenrir asks, flexing Jax's hand. 

"Drugged no. We put Jax to rest while I talk to you, Fenrir, about what your "Master" did you, Jax, Kaila, and Ella." William says, placing the empty cup on the coffee table behind him. 

Fenrir stiffens. "Not 'posed to talk about it."

William sighs. "I need you to, Fenrir. This is going to be very hard for you, but Jax and Kaila need this. We have to help them."

Fenrir sighs. "I'm going to tell you something I haven't even told Jax. You can't tell him."

William nods. "I just want to know what we need to do to help out."

"Jax was created a human. I was put into Jax when he was a toddler." Fenrir says. 

William's eye bulge in shock. This is worse then the brothers thought. 

"What do you mean?" William says. 

Fenrir sighs. "You know exactly what I mean. Jax was created by Master to be his son. When it was deemed that Jax wasn't good enough, Master decided to make Jax his weapon."

"Why was Jax considered not good enough?" William asks.

"I don't know. All I remember before becoming a part of Jax was that I was in an old man before. He had powers unmatched by any other. Then he died, so I no longer had a host. Master extracted me fro the man before I died as well, and I was injected into a screaming little baby. That was Jax." Fenrir says, looking at his host's hands. 

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