They got to the room Harry found Mirabel in and saw Ron clutching his bleeding leg with one hand and Scabbers in the other. He was shivering and trembling terribly. "Ron!" They all yelled coming to his aid and Hermione looked at his leg grimacing before looking at Mirabel. "Do you?" She began when Harry asks. "The dog where is it?" He asks. Ron screams and points behind them quickly. "Harry it's a trap! He's a animgus!" Ron yells pointing behind them.

They all turned and on the ground were dirty paw prints that slowly started turning human until they lead to their owner hiding behind the door with a large grin.

Hermione steps in front of her friends protectively and said. "If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too," she declares trying to hide her fears. Sirius Black spoke with a wide grin. "No, only one shall die tonight," He declares with a gleeful smile. Harry took out his wand and stated with grief and outrage. "Then it'll be you!" He tackles Sirius to the ground pointing his wand at Sirius right between his eyes.

"Harry no! You'll be no better than him!" Mirabel insists. Sirius gives a laugh and looks at Harry. "That girl is quite naive isn't she?" He asks. "Okay you should not insult the person trying to save your ungrateful life," Mirabel hisses at the man. Sirius looks back at  Harry asks laughs asking. "Are you going to kill me Harry?" As he finishes that sentence Lupin came out of nowhere and yelled.


Harry's wand flew from his hand and into Lupin's. Mirabel's eyes widened and she looked out the window seeing that the full moon was being heavily covered by the clouds.

She turns back to the scene and saw Harry getting up at Lupin's direction trusting him. He looks down at the criminal and comes closer never lowering his wand. "Well well Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we?" He asks as he was now right over him. "Finally the flesh reflects the man," he said. "Well you'd know all about the madness within wouldn't you Remus?" Sirius Black asks.

It was a silent moment before both men grin laughing. To the quartets confusion and betrayal and took his arm helping the criminal up. Sirius smiles and said. "I found him, I found him!" He said like a child getting their toy on Christmas. "I know I'm sorry I ever doubted you," Lupin said looking at his students. "Let's kill him!" Sirius grins also looking at them.

"No! How could you!" Hermione screeches. "We trusted you! I worked all year trying to cure you!" Mirabel yelled at her teacher who laughs. "What do you mean try to cure him?" Ron asks with confusion and fear. "He's a werewolf that's why he's been skipping classes!" Hermione explains loudly. Lupin smiles and asks. "Well I knew about Ms Madrigal being aware. Did she tell you or?" He asks trailing off and allowing Hermione to answer. "Ever since Snape assigned us the essay," Hermione answers. Lupin grins and said. "My you are both the brightest witches of your ages. Quite the natural prodigies both of you," he compliments.

Sirius got impatient and took Harry's wand from Remus. "Enough talk Remus! Let's kill him!" Sirius demands. "Wait," Remus said. "I've done my waiting, twelve years of waiting! In Azkaban!" Sirius spoke calmly but with the level of insanity they all said he had and looked ready to break down crying at the same time. Lupin looks between them and than handed Sirius his wand who eagerly took it. "Just one more minute Harry deserves to know why," Lupin said. "I know why," Harry said. "He betrayed my parents, your the reason they're dead," he states for all to hear. "No Harry, I thought so too, but I was wrong. It was someone who until quite recently I thought was dead," Lupin explains. "Peter Petigrew!" Sirius answers and gestures around them. "And he's in this room right now!" He states.

Mirabel steps in front of her friends and asks. "Where?" She looks at Sirius wanting some of her questions answered. "And how do you know each other? And why are you siding with him?" The last question was directed towards Lupin. "From our school days of course," Lupin answers stepping in front of Sirius.

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