The basics of this story

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This story, as stated within the description, will focus on a Marleyan insert character (male focussed) and his story through the events of Attack on Titan. 

The story will also primarily focus on telling the story of a male insert character and Sasha. 

To avoid the story just becoming a retelling of AOT, the story will split off from the original sequence of events at a certain point to create a new ending accompanied by an expanded world that I have created which has more to it than just the nations of Marley, Paradis and Hizuru. 

The original story of AOT is excellent in that it portrays the messages very well throughout despite it being very extreme in its scenario. This will not be the case in this story as I find some of the details, such as the ENTIRE world hating Eldians to be unrealistic, especially when the story is dealing with realistic themes such as nationalism and racism. To ensure this is different to just a retelling of AOT, this will be less about those themes portrayed (although they still will be present, obviously) and more about creating a story that is more realistic in terms of the wider world and its dynamic with Paradis whilst still sticking to the core values of AOT.

Y/N L/N = first name/last name 

L/N - This will be the last name of your mother, for reasons that will become obvious as the story progresses.

The dialogue will be like this:



We then prepared to take out the titan

Internal monologue and letters will be like this:


Titan's speaking will be like this:


And the last thing is how your character fits into the story. He is an important side character that will develop in the later seasons to become an important main character, he will never replace Eren in terms of being the protagonist, and he won't have special powers, but that is not to say that the character will not have an impact. He will have a role to play, and he will cause several significant events that shape the story in certain places, but as I said, he will not become the main protagonist.

Update Schedule:


So with the writing up of my other story that I am working on, the update schedule has changed. This story was started first and so is the priority until it is finished, the other story won't be released until this one is finished.  In terms of schedule, both stories can expect at minimum 1 chapter every 7 days. However, if the chapter is shorter than usual it may lead to an additional chapter being released that week. But the general rule will be that it will have a weekly update. 

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