Chapter Thirty - Three

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April 2014


Me and Elizabeth have finished filming for the day so we have decided to go on a nice walk with Melanie since she is feeling better now.

It is the next week and Melanie is no longer sick and we went to the doctor over here in Italy and my baby is a baby....girl!. I am so happy that I am having another little girl but I can tell that Melanie is going to be the good kid and this little girl is going to be a little bit of a trouble maker.

I have told Elizabeth that I want her to help me raise my baby and that I want her to raise her like her own because she is going to be there for me and the baby when she comes, Elizabeth was beyond happy that I am letting her raise our baby like her own because I mean we are together it would be quite rude not to.

I put Melanie in her stroller and then grab my shoes and coat while Elizabeth grabs our phones and handbag, she hands me my handbag and my phone and I put the diaper bag under the stroller before we leave.

We head to a nearby park to walk around for a little while, Elizabeth puts her hand on mine while we walk and she smiles at me, we don't care about the paparazzi we just want to love each other in public without people bothering us.

Melanie is babbling about non sense while me and Elizabeth just listen and nod and agree with her even though she isn't speaking any sense.

We finish our walk and Melanie has fallen asleep in her stroller probably from all her babbling I mean I don't blame her, if babbled that long I'd be worn out as well.

I laugh at my thought and tell Elizabeth she laughs at how stupid I can be making me laugh even more, "Like mother like daughter what can I say?"Elizabeth states making me laugh even more making Elizabeth laugh as well.

I love these moments because they are the ones that you remember forever.



When Scarlett asked me to basically the other mom to our new little baby I was beyond happy I couldn't believe that she really wants to me help raise her baby and I get to raise her as my own which is even more exciting.

I am right now cuddling with Scarlett on the couch while Melanie is napping in the bedroom, I am playing with her hair while she lays on my chest, she is so adorable and Melanie is the exact replica of her making Melanie ten times cuter but Scarlett is still really cute.

Scarlett falls asleep on my chest because she has been so tired with Melanie lately even with my help it is exhausting her and the fact she is 5 months pregnant.

I am trying to tell her to lay down or relax all the time because stress isn't good for the baby and right now she is under a lot of stress with work, her kids and her ex because of everything that has happened over the last few months.

Melanie is still fast asleep and so is Scarlett, they have been asleep for 2 hours and I am just sat here watching a movie and I then realise that it is getting close to dinner time so I order Scarlett's favourite pizza and wait for it to be delivered.

The delivery man delivers our pizza and I pay him and thank him before setting up the dinner, I walk over to Scarlett and crouch down beside her.

"Hey baby, it's dinner time come on let's wake up" I say softly, Scarlett stirs awake and rubs her eyes to wake her up even more, she kisses me and then I lead her to the table where all the food is.

"Thank you honey"Scarlett says pecking my lips again before sitting down, I don't want to wake Melanie up so I am just going to let her sleep and then when she wakes up, she wakes up.

Me and Scarlett finish our food before Melanie wakes up, I go in and get Melanie and bring her inside, Scarlett feeds her some baby food and then we all sit around for the rest of the day until we all head to bed because tomorrow is when Melanie is going to Romain's in France for two weeks so that's going to be hard on Scarlett as well because she loves having her baby girl around but she has shared custody of Melanie with Romain and she made this plan up and he agreed to it.

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