Chapter Thirty - Four

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May 2014


Me and Melanie are on the way to the airport to see Romain, Elizabeth can't come with us because she has some scenes to film.

I grab Melanie out of the car and see she is smiling in her car seat while playing with the dangling toys that are above her.

I smile at her and she continues to giggle, I grab her bag and walk into the airport and walk to the coffee shop I'm going to meet Romain at, I see him sitting at a table with a cup of coffee.

"Hey Romain, I've got to go but I'll see you both in 2 weeks, bye baby I'll see you soon, I love you"I say kissing Melanie's head, "Luv mama"Melanie says making me smile even more.

"Bye Scar"Romain says waving me off before I walk away and he walks away with Melanie in her car seat.


When Scarlett left I brought Melanie to our gate and soon we got on our plane, we flew to France which wasn't too far away from Italy so it won't be a long journey.

We make it to France and I bring Melanie out to my car and buckle her before heading to my house, I live quite close to my parents because they are getting quite sick and I need to be able to care for them even if I'm at home.

I bring Melanie into my house and then I get a phone call from my mom, I answer the phone while getting Melanie out of her car seat.

"Hey mom is everything okay?"I ask her while putting Melanie in her baby rocker, "Romain I need you to bring your father to the hospital he is coughing up blood and I didn't know anyone else to call"My mom tells me with a worried and scared voice.

"Alright I'll be there in 5 minutes stay there and I'll help him okay?"I say before hanging up the phone and grabbing Melanie putting her in her car seat again and grabbing her diaper bag and I rush out to the car.

I buckle Melanie in and throw her diaper bag into the back of the car before speeding off to my parents house.

I reach their house and run up to the door to see it is open for me, I rush in and see my dad on the sofa coughing up blood into a container while my mom is crying while sitting beside him and rubbing his back gently.

"Right come on dad let's get you to the hospital"I say helping him up, I guide him out to the car and help him in to his seat and my mom climbs into the back with Melanie and plays with her even if she is scared about my dad.

My parents haven't seen Melanie in ages before she was even one because of what I did to Scarlett which I regret entirely but I know she loves Elizabeth and I want her to be happy with the love of her life.

I speed to the hospital not caring about the speed limit, I quickly but carefully park my car, I help my dad out while my mom gets Melanie out of her car seat, we all rush into the hospital and the doctors rush to help him.

We are told to wait in the waiting room, it has been 2 hours and the doctors haven't come out yet but just then a doctor comes out with a sad face and blood all over them.

"I'm sorry we tried everything but your husband and your father has passed to unknown causes, it was most likely his liver cancer"The doctors tells us making my mom scream out in pain so I grab Melanie who starts to cry from my mom screaming, she starts to scream and cry while I try to comfort both my mom and my daughter.

I brought my mom home and my auntie said she will stay with her because she knows I won't be able to handle my mom and daughter at the same time, I have decided to call Scarlett to tell her.

"Hey Romain is everything okay?"Scarlett asks as she picks up the phone, "No um my dad he passed away a couple of hours ago, the doctors said it was most likely his liver cancer because he was coughing up a lot of blood"I tell Scarlett with tears streaming down my face, "Oh my god Romain are you okay?"Scarlett asks already knowing the answer.

"I don't think I can handle having a baby here I'm sorry Scarlett I need you take Melanie for the months just can't"I sob into the phone, "Hey it's okay I'll come and get her now I'll book a flight over okay?"Scarlett tells me, I thank her and then she hangs up to book her flight.

She text me saying she will be there in 4 hours, I thank her again and feed Melanie before changing her diaper and putting her down for a nap while I wait for Scarlett.

It is around dinner time when Scarlett arrives, the second I open the door she pulls me into a tight hug, I relax into the hug and eventually we pull apart and I let her in, I have already gotten Melanie's stuff and now I just need to get Melanie.

I get Melanie and hand her to Scarlett, she leaves after giving me another hug and tells me that everything will be okay.


When Romain called my I thought something happened with Melanie but when he told me what happened I felt so bad for him because I know him and his dad are close.

I grabbed all my things after booking the flight and quickly went to the airport and got on the plane to France, I got off the plane and went to grab Melanie from Romain's house.

I brought Melanie back to set with me, everyone is packing their things up because we are heading to London next, I already have my stuff packed and ready to go and we don't go until next week.

I see Elizabeth standing and talking to Paul Bettany until she sees me with a sleeping baby in my arms and rushes over to us.

"Scar how come you have Melanie?"Elizabeth asks worried, "Romain's father passed away a few hours ago and he told me he just can't handle taking care of Melanie and I know he wouldn't be able to because him and his father were very close"I whisper to Elizabeth, she gasps and says she is so sorry for his lose.

I bring Melanie into my trailer and lay her in her crib and let her sleep while I go to talk to Paul and Elizabeth.

I feel so bad for Romain.

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