Chapter Twenty - Three

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March 2014

Elizabeth wakes up by Melanie's cries, she looks down and sees Scarlett cuddled into her side fast asleep.

She slides herself out from underneath the covers and out of Scarlett's arms making her way over to Melanie.

She checks the time and sees that it is 8am, she picks Melanie up and rocks her back and forth calming Melanie down, she picks up the pacifier that was left in her crib and slides it into her mouth making her cries stop.

Elizabeth smiles and wipes Melanie's tears before getting back into the bed beside Scarlett with a little baby laying on her chest.

Scarlett immediately cuddles into Elizabeth's side once again making Elizabeth smile and wraps her free arm around Scarlett's waist.

Around 30 minutes later Scarlett starts to wake up, she opens her eyes and sees Melanie and Elizabeth playing in the bed beside her making her smile.

She feels that Elizabeth is the right one for her, she thinks that she has found her soulmate, she really hopes she is right.

Elizabeth notices Scarlett and smiles looking at her.

"Morning Scar"Elizabeth says smiling opening her arms for Scarlett to lay in them, Scarlett moves over and lays in Elizabeth's arms.

"Morning Lizzie, how long have you two been up?"Scarlett asks smiling at Melanie.

"Oh only around 30 minutes, Melanie woke up and woke me up because she just wanted to be held so I brought her into the bed with us"Elizabeth explains, Scarlett nods smiling at the sound of Melanie's giggles.

The three stay in bed a little longer before Scarlett gets up to go and get breakfast, she orders some room service because they haven't bought any food for the room because they were only staying one night.

"Food is on the way"Scarlett says picking Melanie up from behind making her squeal loudly.

Elizabeth nods.

"We should probably get ready after breakfast because our flight is at 1pm"Elizabeth says grabbing her phone to let everyone else know.

Scarlett nods and tell Elizabeth that she is going to feed Melanie now.

Scarlett feeds Melanie but while she is feeding her the food arrives, Elizabeth gets the food and dishes it out for the two of them since Melanie is having her mama's milk.

The two women sit at the little dining table and eat while chatting about a lot of random things.

They all get dressed and make their way down to the cars, they all load their bags into the trunk of the car and everyone drives off to the airport.

They all arrive at the airport and they check in, but their luggage on the conveyer and go through security, it took awhile because they have a lot of people with them.

They eventually make it to their gate and just sit and wait for their flight to be called, they all board the plane and just wait for take off.

The plane ride wasn't that long because it was only from New York to L.A but everyone goes their separate ways once everyone gets out of the airport since they are going to go to their own houses.

Elizabeth drives Scarlett and Melanie to her house which isn't too far from the airport but not too close.

They arrive at Elizabeth's house and Elizabeth unloads all the bags and brings them into her house while Scarlett just wanders in looking around with Melanie in her arms.

"Your house is beautiful Lizzie"Scarlett says making her way into the living area where she sees lots of pictures of Elizabeth's family and her friends making her smile when she sees one of Elizabeth with the Marvel cast.

"Oh yea they are just some pictures from over the years"Elizabeth says walking in and leaning against the doorway.

Scarlett turns to look at her and smiles, "they are some gorgeous pictures especially the ones you are in"Scarlett says walking towards Elizabeth with a smirk on her face.

"I'm in all of them"Elizabeth says confused making Scarlett's smirk grow even more, "that was the whole point cutie"Scarlett says pecking Elizabeth's cheek before walking past her.

"Ohh well thank you Scar"Elizabeth says turning to follow Scarlett.

"You have a very delayed reaction Liz"Scarlett says slightly giggling.

"Yes well I know that now"Elizabeth says giggling slightly as well.

"I can't believe my baby is one tomorrow"Scarlett says kissing Melanie's head which is laying on her shoulder.

"I know I mean only met her a couple of weeks ago but from the pictures you have shown me she really has gotten bigger and even cuter"Elizabeth says smiling thinking of when Scarlett was showing her the pictures of Melanie.

"Yes she really has, I can't believe it has already been a year"Scarlett says tearing slightly, Elizabeth notices this and hugs Scarlett from behind making Scarlett smile.

Melanie is one tomorrow, tomorrow Scarlett's little dancing queen is going to be one year old, wow time really does fly by.......

Authors Note

Melanie's birthday chapter will be up tomorrow but I'm not sure what time tomorrow but it will definitely be up tomorrow so look out for it...

I mean everyone has different time zones but still look out for it :).

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