Chapter Twenty - Two

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February 2014

"What the actual fuck Romain!"Scarlett shouts, tears rolling down her face at the sight before her.

"You are seriously cheating on me while we have a baby together and I am fucking pregnant with your child!"She screams making everyone rush upstairs to see Romain on top of some blonde girl in Scarlett and Romain's bed while Scarlett looks like she is about to pass out.

Elizabeth hands Melanie over to Jeremy so she can keep Scarlett from falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry Scar-"Romain starts but Scarlett cuts him off.

"No you're not sorry because if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it in the first place"Scarlett screams collapsing into Elizabeth's arms.

"I'm leaving, I don't care I'm leaving"Scarlett says standing up straight and walking out of the room towards Melanie's room.

She packs all of Melanie's stuff while Elizabeth packs all of Scarlett's stuff and they make their way out of the house.

"You're pregnant?"Evans asks confused on the whole situation.

"Yes Chris she is pregnant but now is not the time"Elizabeth says ushering Scarlett out with Melanie in her arms.

Scarlett just sits in the back of the car sobbing while Elizabeth buckles her and Melanie in.

Romain runs out of the house with a pair of shorts on and runs to the car banging on the window.

Robert and Jeremy rip him away from the window and throw him to the floor before everyone gets into their cars and zoom off.

"I don't know where I'm supposed to go, my mom isn't here she went to my sisters house in Brooklyn, my dad went back to Denmark and my brother and his wife have stuff going on and my other brother is gone on holidays and I have no where to go, I can't just show up in Denmark or something"Scarlett rambles while rubbing Melanie's stomach for her own comfort.

"Hey Scar it will all be ok, you can stay with one of us, it will all work out fine"Elizabeth comforts Scarlett while caressing her hand that is on Melanie's stomach.

"I'm sorry Scar but there isn't any room in my house"Jeremy says sadly.

"My house is back in England"Aaron says sadly.

"My house is in L.A so we can go there tomorrow, I promise everything will be ok. We can all book a hotel for the night and go to L.A tomorrow morning since most of us live there anyway and the ones who don't live there can stay in different houses"Elizabeth explains making sure Scarlett isn't going to have a panic or anxiety attack from the shock and disappointment of the events.

Scarlett nods her head and continues to sob while looking out the window of the car.

"We're here"Jeremy says quietly as Scarlett and Melanie have fallen asleep.

Elizabeth nods and carefully gets Melanie out of the car and into her arms while Evans comes over to pick Scarlett up to bring her inside.

Robert books everyone a room to stay in, the rooms are Scarlett, Melanie, Elizabeth in one room, Evans, Hemsworth and Aaron in the second room, Robert, Jeremy, Paul and Mark in the last room.

Everyone makes their way up to their rooms, Elizabeth opens the door for Evans to lay Scarlett on the bed to let her sleep before saying goodbye to Elizabeth and heading to his room.

Elizabeth lays Melanie down in the crib beside the bed and then goes over to the couch to relax on her phone until Scarlett and Melanie wake up.

It has been 20 minutes and Scarlett starts to wake up, she sits up confused and upset, she looks over towards to see Elizabeth sitting on the couch on her phone.

"Hey Lizzie"Scarlett croaks out causing Elizabeth to look up immediately and look at Scarlett with a slight frown on her face.

"Hey Scar, wait here I'll go and get you a glass of water your throat must be dry"Elizabeth says getting up off the couch and walking to the kitchen.

She gets Scarlett a glass of water and hands it to her, Scarlett gratefully takes it and chugs it down.

"Woah slow down Scar"Elizabeth says rubbing Scarlett's back making Scarlett slow down slightly before finishing it.

Scarlett wipes her mouth with her sleeve and she leans into Elizabeth's side laying her head on her shoulder.

Elizabeth brings her arms around Scarlett pulling her closer letting Scarlett lay her head on Elizabeth's chest.

Scarlett starts to silently cry again while Elizabeth rests her chin on her head rubbing her back gently.

"Let it all out, let it all out Scar"Elizabeth whispers into Scarlett's ear making Scarlett cry even more.

"Thank you for being here for me Lizzie, I know we only met a couple of weeks ago but it feels like I have known you my whole life, thank you"Scarlett whispers looking into Elizabeth's emerald green.

Elizabeth leans down slowly, Scarlett smiles gently before leaning in to meet Elizabeth's lips, their lips connect like they were meant to be together the whole time.

Melanie's cries sound the room making the two women pull away from each other, Scarlett quickly stands up and walks over to Melanie.

She picks her up and bounces her up and down gently with her head into her mothers chest.

Elizabeth watches with a smile on her face, Scarlett looks at Elizabeth with a slight smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about that Scarlett, I know I shouldn't have done that, you just got cheated on and I took advantage of you, I really am truly sorry, I'll leave if you want me to"Elizabeth says quickly realising what she just did.

"Hey Liz it's fine, I enjoyed it actually, it made me forget all about Romain" Scarlett says walking over to Elizabeth and sitting down beside her once again.

Elizabeth smiles again and nods her head looking down playing with her fingers nervously.

"Hey it's ok, I liked it, I can tell you did as well, we'll just take it slow, at least until we're ready for this"Scarlett says placing her hand on Elizabeth's to stop her from playing with her fingers.

Elizabeth looks up to Scarlett and smiles, Scarlett pecks her lips until they hear Melanie whine.

"Mama"Melanie says pouting her lips making both the women laugh at her cuteness.

"You want a kiss baby?"Scarlett says before kissing Melanie all over her face except her lips making her whine again until Scarlett kisses her lips making Melanie giggle.

Scarlett smiles, even if this days has been the worst day ever it quickly turned into one of the best days so far, she has her beautiful daughter and her crush with her, everything is perfect...

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