Chapter Eight

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September 2013

Scarlett and Romain have decided that they were going to go to Scarlett's brothers house so he can meet Melanie for the first time.

Hunter has been away for a long time and hasn't been able to see his little niece just yet.

"Come baby let's go!"Scarlett says happily because she is excited to see Hunter's reaction to how much Melanie looks like her.

Scarlett puts Melanie in her car seat and get into the passengers seat of the car waiting for Romain to get into the car.

Soon enough Romain gets into the car and the happy family of three drive off to Hunter's house.

They make it to Hunter's house and see him standing at the door smiling widely seeing the car pull up.

"Hey big sis!"Hunter call out before engulfing Scarlett into a massive hug which she gladly returns.

"I have a little person that I think you might want to meet"Scarlett says smiling as she sees her brother's face light up.

Romain gets Melanie out of her car seat and walks over to Scarlett and Hunter.

Melanie smiles widely at her uncle making him tear up and the sight of her.

"She's a mini you Scarlett"Hunter says smiling to Melanie.

"Do you want to hold her?"Scarlett asks already knowing the answer.

Hunter nods his head and Romain gently hands Melanie over to Hunter who takes her into his arms like she a thin piece of glass that could shatter with one touch.

"What's her name?"Hunter asks not taking his eyes off Melanie.

"Melanie Karsten Johansson-Dauriac"Scarlett says proudly, Hunter looks up at Scarlett with a tear slowly falling down his face.

"You named her after mom and dad"Hunter says with a small crack in his voice making Scarlett smile even more.

"How about you play with her for a little bit and Romain can make the dinner?"Scarlett suggests and her brother nods happily and sits on the floor with baby Melanie and Romain nods and head to the kitchen to start the dinner since he is the best chef.

Scarlett sits on the couch and watched as Hunter her twin brother and her six month old baby play on the floor of the living area.

Melanie is sitting up with the help of Hunter and Scarlett and Romain are sitting there watching the two.

Hunter looks at Scarlett and Romain and they nod, he takes his hand from the babies back and holds it a little bit away in case she falls.

Melanie stays sitting up and smiles while giggling and playing with her dolls not even knowing what she is doing.

Scarlett and Romain smile widely at their baby girl, Romain walks over and picks her up making her giggle, he tickles her stomach making her squirm and giggle even louder.

"Well done munchkin you did amazing"Romain says pecking his daughter's small plump lips.

Melanie smiles and lays her head on Romain's shoulder while he goes over to sit with Scarlett and Hunter.

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