Chapter Twenty - One

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February 2014

"Come on Scarlett hurry up!"Robert shouts to Scarlett through her trailer door where she was getting ready to go to the airport.

It is two day before Melanie's first birthday and Scarlett and the rest of the cast are going to surprise Romain for his own daughters first birthday.

"Wait for one second I'll be out in a minute!"Scarlett shouts to Robert and everyone else from inside the trailer.

Scarlett eventually comes out of the trailer with her baby carrier strapped onto her with a tired looking Melanie sitting inside of it with her arms on her mothers chest along with her head.

"Melanie it still sleepy, that's adorable"Evans says smiling at Melanie still sleepy.

"She would have still been asleep if it wasn't for Robert Downey mother fucking Junior shouting at me through my door"Scarlett says annoyed glaring at Robert making him back away.

"Ok let's go shall we?"Elizabeth says putting a hand on Scarlett's back leading her towards the car with both their luggage because she is cool like that.

Scarlett gets into the car that her Elizabeth, Aaron and Jeremy are going to be in while Hemsworth, Evans, Robert, Paul and Mark are in the other car.

Aaron and Jeremy load everyone's bags into the trunk of the car they are in and the two Chris' old up the other car.

Elizabeth sits in the back with Scarlett and Melanie, Scarlett is sitting in the middle, Melanie is in her car seat on the left and Elizabeth is on the right.

Melanie falls asleep quite quickly because she is still tired and not fully awake yet while Elizabeth and Scarlett just chat waiting for the other two.

"I'm so happy that we get to celebrate Melanie's first birthday all together and with Romain and our families"Scarlett says smiling happily looking Melanie.

"I'm glad your excited because I know Melanie means a lot to you and Romain"Elizabeth says making Scarlett turn to her.

"She does mean a lot to us, your right"Scarlett says slightly smiling at Elizabeth making her smile back.

"Ok are you girls ready?"Aaron asks turning to face the both of them, they both nod and continue their conversation making the boys roll their eyes causing the two girls to put their middle fingers up.

Scarlett and Elizabeth both giggle quietly but Jeremy and Aaron both roll their eyes again and turn around to get going to the airport.

Everyone gets to the airport and Melanie is still asleep so Scarlett has to be very careful getting her out of the car seat.

She straps her into her baby carrier and Elizabeth and Aaron help her with her luggage since she has a lot more than everyone else because I mean she has an almost one year old baby.

They check in and get their tickets and stuff before going to the luggage into the luggage conveyer so that it loads onto the plane.

Everyone makes it through security but Melanie wakes up right as they were finished and starts bawling her eyes out.

Elizabeth helps Scarlett take the baby carrier off to she can just hold Melanie while Elizabeth takes her suitcase as well.

"Shh baby, it's ok mama is here, mama is here"Scarlett whispers making Melanie calm down almost immediately making everyone smile at how sweet that is.

"You really are a great mother Scar"Evans says smiling to Scarlett and Melanie.

Scarlett wipes Melanie's tears and pushes Melanie's head into her chest to let her know that she is safe with her mama.

Everyone sits at the gate and waits for the plane to come, Melanie is playing with Elizabeth, she is sat on her lap as she plays peekaboo with her.

"Flight 197 boarding now, Flight 197 boarding now please report to gate 37"The intercom rings through the airport.

Everyone stands up and makes their way onto the plane, Scarlett is sitting beside the window with Melanie beside her in the middle in her car seat and Elizabeth on the outside of the seats.

Elizabeth straps Melanie into her car seat after Scarlett got into her seat.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are ready for take off, please keep your seatbelts on and push your tables up out of the way thank you"The flight attendant announces on the intercom.

The plane takes off and everyone just sits back and relaxes for a bit.

Scarlett takes Melanie out of her car seat to feed her since Melanie hasn't eaten this morning, Scarlett starts feeding Melanie earning some looks from men and women on the plane.

"Why is she breastfeeding a child on a plane with a lot of people on it?"Someone whispers to the person beside them causing Scarlett to get quite annoyed but she brushes it off.

"That's so disgusting, she literally has her tits out in public and I mean that is Scarlett Johansson so it is even better"Someone whispers again causing Elizabeth to stand up annoyed.

"Right whoever is saying shit about my friend feeding her daughter, her little baby I swear it is just disgusting and horrible that you would say that so either shut up and deal with it or you can all fuck off!"Elizabeth shouts while Scarlett is trying to make her sit back down in her seat.

Elizabeth eventually sits back down and takes a couple of deep breathes before looking at Scarlett.

"Sorry about that"Elizabeth says looking down ashamed that she just shouted a whole plane down.

"No don't day sorry, thank you for doing that I appreciate Lizzie"Scarlett says lifting Elizabeth's head up to meet her eyes.

"No problem Scar, I just hated what they were saying about you"Elizabeth says slightly smiling, Scarlett nods and smiles again.

The plane lands and everyone gets off to grab their luggage and get to their cars, the cars are the same as when they were going to the airport.

Jeremy drives to Scarlett's house with the other car following behind them.

They pull up outside Scarlett's house but see another car outside of the house.

"I didn't know you got another car"Jeremy says confused.

"That's because I didn't and neither did Romain"Scarlett says getting out of the car, Elizabeth following her with Melanie in her car seat that Elizabeth is carrying.

Scarlett rushes to the door and walks in to hear noises coming from upstairs.

"All of you stay down here I'll be back in a minute"Scarlett says confused but walks upstairs towards the noise which is coming from her and Romain's bedroom.

She barges through the door and sees a sight she never hoped to see...

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