♡ 22

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"At least let me go and find him for you," Taehyung pleaded. "I can't just leave you here sitting on the floor like a crazy person, looking like you're one wrong step from ending it all."

I guess now was as good a time as any to face my reckoning. Jungkook. I'd seen better days, my makeup now streaked all the way from my eyes to my chin, my curls falling out from leaning against the wall. I looked like Cinderella on the way home from the ball...if she'd gotten mugged. I gave a weak nod to Taehyung, granting him the permission he sought.

"I do care about you, just so you know." He left me with those final words. Possibly the last words we would ever exchange now that our deal was broken.

I didn't have the time nor the brain capacity to think about that, my mind flooded with nothing but self-loathing. Minutes felt like hours, tormented by my thoughts. But I couldn't move. My body felt frozen in time, melted to the floor. Any resolve I had to fight had all but dissipated. I was pathetic.

I heard the door creep open, and I didn't have to look up to know that Jungkook had arrived. "Y/N, have you been crying?" he rushed over to me, taking a seat on the floor by my side. His hand rose to my cheek, gently stroking the skin where my tears had fallen.

"I'm so sorry," I spoke in a low tone, keeping my eyes pinned to the ground. I couldn't bear to look at him, or I might burst into tears all over again.

"Y/N, I know what I agreed to when we decided to go with this plan," he replied, gripping my shoulders. "I'm not so foolish to believe that you would never have to flirt, hug, or even kiss him."

"I just can't do it."

"And you don't have to," he whispered, lifting my chin to let our eyes meet. "Whatever you decide to do I will support you, and we will find a way to make it work. I need to have you in my life. That's the only thing that's non-negotiable."

Listening to him, I felt a heaviness lift from my heart, like chains uncoiling. "I love you, Jungkook." The words left my mouth like second nature, like they'd always been waiting there on the tip of my tongue.

His lips turned up in a wide grin as he circled his arms around me and pressed his forehead against mine. "I love you too, Y/N." He leaned back and touched his thumb to my bottom lip. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to erase any trace of him from your body."

Our lips collided roughly. This kiss wasn't sweet and innocent. It was fueled by pure animalistic desire. Jealousy. Rage. Fear. Fingers clawed at skin, almost too aggressively. His tongue played against my lower lip, seeking entrance, and I was eager for more. Our tongues danced, mixing warm saliva between heavy panting breaths. My skin was lighting on fire under his touch.

My heart might have burst from my chest from the sheer power with which it was beating, if not for the door swinging open. Instead, my heart exploded for another reason- panic. Panic was soon replaced with relief, when I realized the person standing in the doorway was none other than my dear old brother. Park Jimin.

"Oh uh- bad timing?" his eyes widened as he closed the door behind him.

"Impeccable," Jungkook pursed his lips into a thin line, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, I am very sorry to interrupt your makeout session in what appears to be a..." he glanced around the room. "Storage closet."

I cleared my throat. "I assume what you have to say is of utmost importance."

"Yeah, I ran into Taehyung on the floor, and he gave me a downlow of what happened," Jimin started. "It was a bit reckless of him, but he decided to break off your engagement immediately, claiming the two of you had just gotten into a huge argument."

"He what?!" I shouted. I had no clue that he was going to break the news to our families tonight. That was absolutely insane. Which was totally Taehyung's style. My fault for not catching that.

"Yeah, so, basically, father is searching for you now like a rabid beast," Jimin smiled awkwardly. "I believe I heard him cursing and yelling about you being an ungrateful little brat."

"Can you help us get out of here unseen?" Jungkook spoke up, poking his tongue to the side of his cheek. He stood from the floor and brushed off his clothes before offering me a hand up.

Jimin pressed a hand to his chest. "I am an expert escape artist, thank you. Give me two minutes and then leave this room and take the back exit- there will be a car waiting for you in the alley."

"Thank you," I mouthed to him as he took his leave.

I'd hoped Taehyung would have at least waited a few days before calling off our engagement. I was no doubt going to have an endless stack of profiles on eligible bachelors waiting for me on my desk Monday morning. That was, after I got scolded for ruining my father's favorite business deal yet, aka my marriage, and publicly embaressing him by breaking up with my fiancé just after he praised us to a room full of investors and the like. Oh yes, Taehyung definitely deserved a scathing phone call.

Glancing back and forth from his watch to the floor, Jungkook eventually noted that it was time to make a run for it. We skittered through the back hallways, luckily encountering only staff from the venue, and no one we knew. Outside, just as Jimin had explained, our getaway car waited. Blacked out windows and paint job. Ominous, really. But there was no time to hesitate.

"Good evening, Miss Park," the driver greeted as we slid into the backseats. "I've been instructed to get you home quietly. I will take you to the back entrance of your apartment so that you can sneak in undetected."

"Jeez, how much did he pay you?" I chuckled.

"Enough." I caught the driver's smile flashing in the rearview mirror. I would have to thank Jimin properly for this later.

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