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A week had flown by, leaving Jungkook on his own to take over his duties as secretary in full. But he had caught on quick- scary quick. There was much more to the job that he would need to learn, but I would just have to show him on my own as things progressed. His rushed and limited training was my fault, after all, for delaying the process for as long as I had. So now, it was my responsibility to finish the process. For his sake, maybe, but mostly for my own. Having a competent secretary was a game changer.

"Who was it?" I tilted my head as Jungkook hung up his phone. His expression was as neutral as ever, something I had grown used to in our short time together. Always so professional.

"Just your brother," he answered, making his way back to my desk. "He is back in the country and would like to meet for lunch today."

"Sure, make a reservation somewhere for the three of us at two o'clock." Despite his playful nature, Jimin knew better than to call me out for something trivial in the middle of a workday, so it had to be something urgent.

"Oh, I need not attend," Jungkook waved off the thought. "I can wait in the car."

His strait-laced, prim and proper secretary attitude was starting to grate on my nerves. I just wanted one person in this damn building to treat me like a normal person. "I wasn't asking," I responded coldly.

"Right, of course," he nodded, a bit taken aback. The expression only lasted a moment before his normal serious face reappeared. Nothing seemed to faze him. So dreadfully boring. I was determined to get him to stop acting like a robot around me, but that would mean letting my guard down too...

I let out a hefty sigh. "What kind of food do you like to eat?"


I had let Jungkook select the restaurant- so of course we ended up somewhere high-class and luxurious. Some part of me had hoped he would take us to some little hole in the wall, but he took his job too seriously to do that. So here we were looking out at the city skyline, sitting at a table covered in silk, with flatware in front of us that probably costed as much as the average person's rent. Pretentious.

"I didn't know you liked this sort of place, sister!" Jimin gasped, looking over the menu.

"I don't."

I watched as Jungkook's eyes widened, and he fluttered his lashes. "I'm sorry...Miss Park, I didn't know."

"You're being mean, Y/N," Jimin scolded me, slapping my shoulder, before turning to look at Jungkook. "Don't mind her- she is still clinging to some remnants of a life where she isn't the CEO of a multi-million-dollar company...you did fine with selecting this place, it suits her."

"Suits me?" I snorted. Heaven forbid that I just want to eat somewhere with good food, regardless of how perfectly manicured the establishment be. Everything was for the sake of appearances, even something as simple as meal. "Just get on with what you needed to say."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I wanted to give you a warning...the upcoming company trip to Jeju- Kim Group is also attending."

"What? Why?" I questioned eagerly. "How do you know? Did father hide it from me?"

Jimin shrugged. "Probably, since you have a painfully obvious deep hatred for Kim Namjoon, and our dear dad would love nothing more than to marry you off to him."

Kim Namjoon. CEO of Kim Group. I shuddered in disgust at the name. Our fathers were close friends, so we had spent a lot of time together as children. Both of us had been born with silver spoons in our mouth, only I had done my best to maintain my humanity, and he had turned into a devil. He had no reservations about using people as pawns for his own personal gain. Everything about him was scripted. A time when we were truly friends, I'm not sure it existed.

"Thanks for the heads up," I grumbled. "Shy of faking my own death, there's not a chance that I am getting out of going on this trip."

Our meal was taken mostly in silence, only a bit of small talk between my brother and Jungkook, while I contemplated if there was a way to escape my nightmare. I'd already played the 'flu' card, so that was off the table. If I tried to say I double booked myself, father would investigate to confirm. Even if I truly double booked myself, he would just cancel my appointments himself. I would just have to bite the bullet and attend. With any luck, I could avoid meeting Namjoon privately, and just exchange pleasantries publicly for the sake of business.

"I'll be heading out now," Jimin spoke up, rising from the table. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I chuckled under my breath- that was next to nothing.

Jungkook stopped me from following suit and taking my leave. "Sorry, just one moment..."

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to apologize. I should have asked where you wanted to go or looked for information on your preferences before I booked a reservation here," Jungkook hung his head shamefully. "You seem to be very upset."

Hmm. Was that reading on my face so easily? He was intuitive, certainly, but he was oblivious to the real reason I was upset. "I really don't mind, Jungkook. I eat at fancy places like this all the time, it's part of the job," I gave him a reassuring smile. "Since it was just the three of us, it would've been nice to go somewhere more...laid back, but that's not why I'm upset."

He looked even more perplexed by my response. "So, why?"

I paused, unsure if I should dive into the issue, but I remembered that I needed to open myself up some if I expected him to do the same. "I've known Namjoon for almost my entire life, but the person he became is everything I hate about the world of business."

"It must be difficult," Jungkook nodded, looking at me not with pity, but understanding.

"Yeah, I guess so," I laughed weakly. "It's obvious that I live a charmed life, so my complaints must seem ridiculous to you."

"No," Jungkook shook his head. "Everyone has problems and worries. What may seem stupid and small to one person, feels like the weight of the world to another."

"That's very kind of you," A smile tugged at my lips, eventually bursting forth. "Thank you, Jungkook."

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon