♡ 35

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I returned to work as if nothing had happened, as if my world hadn't just been turned upside down. It was a distraction that I didn't have the time for with the upcoming project. And if I was being honest with myself, I was terrified of facing the truth of my feelings now that I had spoken them aloud. The old me would have avoided even seeing Jungkook, but here I was in the same room as him...just pretending our conversation never happened. Growth, right?

"I'll be traveling to Paris at the end of the week to finalize some details with the venue," I explained to the group of designers. "I'll check in with you all when I return."

As I turned to take my leave, Jungkook called out to me. "Y/N!"

I reluctantly swung back around to face him. Doing so had been a bad idea, as expected. The moment it was just the two of us my mind wandered back to the thoughts I'd been forcing to the side. "Yes, what is it, Jungkook?"

"Are you going alone?"

That was a weird question. "No, I'll be with with my secretary, and I believe Taehyung will be joining for a couple of days, as well."

His lashes fluttered as he brought a hand just under his jawline, tracing the sharp line. "Uhm, well, I actually need to go to the fabric district in Montmarte."

"Oh, uhm-"

"So, would you be opposed to us travelling together?" He questioned, almost wincing as he braced for my answer. "I just mean it would be easier and I'd like to see the venue for the showcase as well."

"Yeah, right, of course," I giggled to hide my nervousness. "Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome to. I will have Secretary Jung book your flight and hotel."

I thought it might've come off as strange for me to deny his request, but in accepting it I'd certainly dug myself an inescapable hole. Not that I didn't want him there- I did. That was the problem. You know how they call Paris the city of love? Well, it's not an exaggeration. Everything about the city exudes romance- from the stunning varied architecture to the way the night lights up like a sea of stars. There's just something about the air there. For someone avoiding the entire concept of love, it wasn't exactly the best place to be.

"Thanks, Y/N," Jungkook beamed.


With myself, Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung, and a few other staff members attending the trip, we decided to take the company jet to fly privately. Twelve hours in the air and I couldn't even sleep because Hoseok decided the ideal seating arrangements involved me sitting next to Jungkook. Jungkook who was sleeping soundly, mind you, seemingly completely comfortable in my presence. By the time we arrived in Paris it was late afternoon with the time difference, but I was ready to pass out from exhaustion.

"Couldn't sleep?" Taehyung nudged me. "Are you scared of flying? That's not great for someone in your line of work."

I didn't have the energy to humor his teasing with a sassy response of my own. "Ugh."

"I don't recall you having a fear of flying, Y/N," Jungkook commented, appearing at my side.

"That's because I don't have one," I sighed. "I just couldn't get myself to fall asleep no matter what I did." Because of your adorable sleeping face, the sound of your soft breathing...

"She seems grumpy," Taehyung snickered, glancing to Jungkook. "I was going to say that we should all grab some dinner in a little bit if everyone is free, but maybe we better let the bear hibernate."

"We don't have anything on the agenda," Hoseok chimed in, flashing me a smile. Thanks Hoseok. So organized I could kill you.

"Right," I groaned. "Just let me take a quick nap. I'll grab a coffee before we head out and I'll be as good as new."

Since I no longer had a busy schedule as an excuse to stay inside, there was no getting out of dinner. And since there was no getting out of dinner, there was no hope of ignoring Jungkook's existence. So far, nothing was going according to plan. I'd just wanted to hide away in my hotel room and keep our interactions to a minimum, but that was impossible with a social butterfly and a ray of sunshine at my side. Their sabotage may not have been intentional, but it was plenty effective.

The worst part? Jungkook seemed just as enthusiastic as the two of them about all of us going out together. Why? Did he not feel awkward at all? There were so many things we hadn't addressed. The embrace. Our last conversation and what it meant. Yet none of that seemed to unnerve him. It seemed like his confidence was unshakeable. Hmph. Too cool to get flustered by me now, is that it?

Just thinking about it was pissing me off and fueling my competitive need to destroy him. "Let's go somewhere nice. I want to dress up."

"I was going to dress up anyways, but sure," Taehyung winked.

"Okay, why don't we go around eight then?" Hoseok proposed. "I'll find us somewhere and make a reservation. That should give Miss Park plenty of time to rest and prepare."

"Miss Park?" Taehyung snorted. "He's got to drop that, Y/N."

"He's my employee," I glared in response.

"And?" he shook his head. "So was Jung-"

"Let's go check into our rooms, Taehyung," Jungkook interrupted, grabbing the man's arm, and dragging him along. "I've stayed here before- you have to see the view from the balcony."

I was grateful for Jungkook's intervention, but maybe Taehyung was right... I was being unreasonable, unfair even. At some point I had to stop being afraid of everything and everyone hurting me. That was no way to live life. In truth, I envied Taehyung's carefree nature. It was everything I wanted to be.

Once the other two men were a reasonable distance away from the two of us, I addressed Hoseok. "From now on, just call me Y/N."

"What?" He turned to me with a crazy look. "I thought that was off limits."

"I changed my mind," I mumbled. "I'll call you Hoseok, so stop calling me Miss Park."

"O-okay, Mi- I mean...Y/N."

"Thank you for always being a good friend to me, Hoseok," I nodded with a gentle smile, and patted his shoulder. "Even when I've been a shit one."

"You've been a good friend too," he responded with a soft chuckle. "You're just hard on yourself...but I can tell you've been changing. I'm happy to see it."

"Yeah, I guess I am changing."

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