♡ 5

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Gorgeous rays of sunlight beamed down from a perfectly clear blue sky. The breeze was just enough to provide a slight relief from the warmth of summer. Jeju. Under normal circumstances I would feel blessed to be here embracing all the natural beauty of the island, but as I stepped down from the plane steps, I only felt a knot in my stomach. We were staying in a luxurious hotel right along the water, and I was looking forward to collapsing into my bed as soon as possible.

"Hello," Jungkook greeted the front desk manager. "We have one room under Jeon Jungkook and one under Park Y/N."

The staff member typed away, entering the information in the computer. I noticed her brows scrunch together in confusion. "I don't have a reservation for a Park Y/N- it appears to have been canceled this morning."

I glanced over at Jungkook in a panic, but he looked just as confused as I was. "I am the only one authorized to make changes on the account, other than Miss Park herself." His voice grew stern. "And we didn't call."

What a nightmare. Though Jungkook had only been working for me for a short time, I knew his attention to detail was immaculate. There was no way he would make a mistake like this. Plus, we had been on the flight together all morning- I would have noticed if he'd made a call to the hotel.

"Please, just prepare another room," he sighed. "Whatever you have."

"I am afraid we are fully booked as of this morning, sir."

"Wow, that's really too bad," a voice spoke from behind us. Sickeningly familiar in the worst of ways- Kim Namjoon. "You could always stay with me, Y/N."

I turned around to look at him, and there he was staring back at me with a smug look plastered on his face. "I'd sooner die," I spat out.

"Always so angry, aren't you?" Namjoon traced a finger across my cheek, and I recoiled at his touch. "Well, best of luck to you- I have a suspicion most of the hotels nearby are completely booked." So, this was his doing. Of course, it was.

"If you're done here, Miss Park and I will be taking our leave," Jungkook stepped in, putting a distance between myself and Namjoon. His eyes narrowed at the man in front of him.

"Your new guard dog is cute, Y/N," Namjoon scoffed. "If you change your mind, you have my number." He walked away without another glance back.

Once Namjoon was fully out of view, Jungkook turned back to face me, visibly relaxing his tensed body. "Seems like a real stand-up guy," he rolled his eyes, sarcastically. "It appears he didn't know my name, so the reservation I made for myself was spared. Take my room and I will find somewhere else to stay." So, Jungkook had caught on to the situation, as well. Clever.

"No, I won't let you do that. I need you nearby, anyways." I brought a hand to my lips, pondering over what was the right decision. "We can share the room- we are both adults."

Jungkook appeared hesitant but eventually agreed, no doubt torn between the inappropriateness of sharing a room with his boss and the fact that he would be unable to do his job if he weren't in the same building as me. This company trip was huge. We couldn't afford anymore...inconveniences. I made a mental note to keep an eye on Namjoon.

As we entered our new home for the next few days, I immediately rushed to the couch and threw myself down onto the cushions. "Feel free to wash up first, I will prepare my bed." He'd been gracious enough to offer to share his room, I wasn't about to let him sleep on the couch, too. It was my own personal problems that had caused this mess.

"We can argue about that, later," Jungkook shook his head. "I'll go first, then."

My eyes fixated on the ceiling, not looking at anything in particular, I thought about my next moves. I was certain that canceling my room reservation was just the beginning of that devil's plans to piss me off. I just couldn't pinpoint his motive. Unless he was in on my father's plans to have us married. Maybe. It would benefit him financially, but surely, he must know that I'd be a horrible wife.

After a short time alone with my thoughts, the door creaked open. Hair damp and dripping, dressed in sweatpants and a loose-fitted tee, Jungkook emerged from the steamy bathroom. Before all else, I noticed the extensive tattoos running up and down his right arm, all the way to his knuckles. I had noticed small bandages covering his hands before, but I had never thought much of it, and I'd certainly not thought that he was hiding such beautiful ink. I couldn't help but feel his relaxed appearance now was in complete juxtaposition to the way he behaved at work, so shy and well mannered.

"It's rude to stare, Y/N," Jungkook smirked, running his fingers through his hair to pull the strands from in front of his eyes.

My cheeks flushed at his sudden comment. Was I staring? "You know, you don't have to hide those," I said quickly, pointing to his hand in an attempt to turn his attention away from my face.

The corners of his lips turned up. "Yes, I know. I don't cover them because I care what others think of me, but because I care what they think of you."

I grimaced. Just another reason to hate my situation. Everyone around me was constantly either accommodating me or trying to destroy me. "Regardless, I'm okay with you showing them, if that's what you want to do."

"Thank you, Y/N, I will keep that in mind." He plopped down on the couch next to me and flipped on the TV, a pillow resting in his lap. "You're still staring," he noted with a laugh.

I coughed loudly, nearly choking, overwhelmed with embarrassment. "It's just weird, okay?" Gaining my composure, I shifted my body to face him. "You're always so timid around me, but you seem so different right now."

"You of everyone should know not to judge a book by it's cover, right?" Despite his words, he appeared to be amused. "I am doing my best to be a good secretary to you. I guess I've been behaving in the way that I felt was proper...but right now, I'm off duty."

"You're right, I'm sorry," I nodded in understanding. "Just know, it's okay if you're just 'you' all the time. You don't have to play the role of a perfect secretary. In fact, I'd rather you didn't..." Please. Please, I just needed one person at work to be real.

"You're a strange girl," he chuckled. "I'll try to be more natural around you- I promise."

"Thanks, Jungkook."

"You're a bit different today too, you know," he remarked, staring forward at the screen. "Usually, you wont laugh or smile, or show much of any emotion at all, really. It's nice to see."

I suppose I was starting to grow a bit more comfortable with him. I wasn't sure yet if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Letting people in, trusting, that wasn't an easy feat for me. But it was true. Little by little, small interactions with Jungkook were forcing me to let down my guard. It felt different than the safeness I felt with Jimin or with Yoongi. I couldn't quite place it.

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now