"I'd be here all the time if I could! But I'm leaving town for a week tomorrow..."

Marinette remembered his conversation with their patrol group a while ago about how he would be gone for a week. She had written down the dates in her schedule, but hadn't thought about it for a while. So much had happened between them that she was taken by surprise and she simply said, "oh."

"I wish I didn't have to leave you. You're the best thing in my life," he said and then thought about how true that was. Even having my mother back, even having such a wonderful life now, she still makes me the happiest I've ever been.

"I'm sure it'll be alright, there still haven't been any attacks, so Paris should be safe for a week," she said distracted by her own thoughts of how much she would miss him. A whole week with no contact? Why does it feel like my heart is breaking?

"Paris is fine, I'm more worried about you," he bent his head to see if he could make eye contact with her.

"Me? Why would you be worried about me?" He said looking at him through her lashes.

"I'm going to miss you, I want to be able to at least talk to you. Can I text you while I'm gone?"

She lifts her head to look at him as a smile spread across her face, "of course!"

"This is my number," he said handing her a piece of paper from his pocket. It was the number for his new phone that would be just for talking with her.

She held onto the paper and couldn't help but wonder...if I put this on my phone will I find out who he is? I have a feeling I know him already somehow..." I'll keep it safe. Wouldn't want your number to get out to the public."

"I appreciate that, I know you're trustworthy."

She leaned in to kiss him again and got lost in the feeling of his lips against hers. When she pulled away she asked, "so where are you going for your trip?"

Did I tell her as Adrien? Better be nonspecific... "my family and I are going to spend some time together for the first time in a while. My mom has been planning it for a month and I'm excited to spend time with her."

"You sound close to your mom, what about your dad?"

"Uh, we've butt-heads more often recently and went through a big disagreement of sorts. We actually started family counseling and had our first appointment this week."

"Wow, I never knew that. I guess we really don't know each other that well..." she said matching his sad tone.

"On the contrary, I think we know each other purretty well. You're the cat's meow and I'm pawmazing. Now, we can only get closer," he said quickly picking the mood back up and kissing her again.

She giggled at his triple punning, "I do want to be closer and know more about you."

"Are you sure you'll be just as in love with me if you knew both sides of me?"

"I did fall in love with a goofy kitty who puns constantly, are you different from your civilian self?"

"I have fewer puns, but I'm fantastically attractive," he said with a wink and a grin.

"I don't know how that would be possible! Funny and attractive?? That never happens," she teased.

"I wasn't joking when I said I was as attractive as your friend Adrien Agreste, the model. If you think he's handsome, you'll paw all over me," he said testing the waters.

She continued to laugh at him thinking they were teasing, "are you trying to hide your jealousy of my date with him yesterday? I know his father has influence over his modeling, but there is a reason he is so popular. Everyone in my school knows he is the most attractive guy in the whole of Paris."

Mirrored Secrets: A Miraculous TaleWhere stories live. Discover now