-chapter one

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welcome, all, to the first chapter!! i want to thank you all again for applying and participating in this apply fic. it has meant so much to me!!
this first chapter is also dedicated to -ra1nydays- , who has consistently kept me inspired not only in this fic, but in general with this account!!
the upload schedule for this fic is still a little iffy because i'm ambitious and start multiple at a time, but i do have the plans for each chapter. i will give you guys a peek to my pov schedule. it will go:
and repeat!! each chapter you will vote for the selected that you want to see in the next selected chapter. thank you so much, and enjoy the first chapter of "the rivalry"!!


"Welcome to today's Report, I'm Cassandra Blaine here with the Royal Family." Cassandra smiles, her teeth a stark, pearl white in the spot and house lights.

I'm so spaced out that I only think to wave at the camera when Cameron pinches me from underneath the table. I put on a smile immediately, raising my hand to wave and smile.

Aunt Josie and her husband, Uncle Brutus, smile at us past the camera. Aunt Josie gives me a big thumbs up, accompanying it with a fat wink.

I smile at her, glad for the reassurance, however still desperately unhappy with the situation that my parents have placed me in.

My mother drones on about politics, and however hard I try to listen, nothing truly sticks to my brain of mush.

After maybe twenty, thirty minutes of the news reporting my mom stops. She looks to Dad, smiling softly and letting out a small sigh.

"What are you thinking, Queen Eadyln?" Cassandra asks, turning to face my mother but not turning back to the camera and audience.

"I'm just reminiscing on me and Prince Eikko's time together. I truly have had a good run." Mom squeezes Dad's hand. Although I know that they are putting this on to bait the people, I know it still comes from a place of sincerity. She loves him, sometimes I fear more than she loves herself.

"I'll say! You have brought this country together for almost two decades." Cassandra looks to the camera, smiling again.

"When do you think you'll retire, if I'm allowed to ask?" Which, of course she was, or else she wouldn't have said anything in the first place.

"Soon, I think." Mom says, smiling and nodding.

Cassandra raises her eyebrows, clearly very please with this as she moves in front of the camera, blocking us from view.

"And on that note, I'll wrap it up. Thank you for watching, Illéa, and have a good week!" And with that, the spotlights are turned off. I know I shouldn't, but I visibly slump into my chair for a moment. If that Report would have lasted any longer, I actually may have broken down on live TV.

"Come on, Bella." Cam says, holding out his hand to me. "You should get some rest."


"What is this?" My mom says, looking up at the servant who had interpolated out breakfast.

The servant, Hannah— I think— sinks into a low bow.

"I am sorry, your majesty, but we thought you should see this."

My mother takes the newspaper, her eyes widening at whatever it says. She reads it quickly, handing it quickly to my father and watching him for his reaction.

He looks at her from above his reading glasses, raising his eyebrows.

Cameron takes the paper from his hands, skimming it as well. I hate being the last to know things, so even despite it being impolite, I snatch the paper from him.

It's no secret that no one truly knows which twin came first. Last night, on the Illéa Report, we received some vital information on this year's upcoming Selection. Queen Eadyln says that she is "...reminiscing on me and Prince Eikko's time..." meaning her time in the Selection with him. Although he was not one of the selected, he was brought in with the group as a translator— therefore proving the selection system to work once again.

I scan over some parts until I get to the last paragraphs.

A lot of viewers, because of this, believe that the Royal Family may be considering a shared selection. A shared section would entail the same 35 people, however with two suitors. So, people of Illéa, what do you think? Do you agree?
Let us know in future feedback articles.

        - Antonio Peretti   

The paper drops from my hands, and I know that my mouth is wide open.

A shared selection? The thought hadn't even occurred to me. I thought that with enough whining, my parents would just hand off the responsibility to Cameron.

"It's no big deal. I mean, it's not like we have to." My father says, but the words sound dry in his mouth, as if it's hard for him to get them out.

My mother sighs heavily. "We'll start accepting applications next week, I suppose."













thank you!!

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