-chapter seven

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prince cameron's pov

I'm trying so desperately hard to retain all of the information that is being shared with me, but nothing truly is sticking.

I make a small list on paper, just listing the people who intrigued me and those of which I would like to go on a date with first.

Valentina Silvius was energetic and enthusiastic about meeting us.

Belle Hendrix was brief but mysterious, some may call her rude but I saw her as intriguing.

Leaf Pierce was kind but nervous.

I could very easily see Cora Willows as Queen.

A few more interviews went by.

Regan Dean likes to read.

Greyson Massey's parents are New Asia ambassadors.

My hand starts to cramp a bit. I quickly write something down about Fayla Everly's parents. It's safe to stop there.

The rest of the interviews fly by me, only remembering how charming Andries Mulder was. Then comes Antonio Perreti.

"Sir Antonio! I have waited all night to talk to you." Antonio smiles charismatically. I feel a streak of anger.

"Hello, Cassandra, how are you?" He talks to her like he's known her all his life.

"I am fine, of course. So, do tell, how did you come how with the idea of a shared selection?" Antonio looks down, and looks back up at her. He knows what he's doing.

"Well, Cass— can I call you that?— I'm going to be honest. I didn't come up with it." He stops for dramatic effect. "The people did. It was their idea in the first place. I never claimed it as my own." He shrugs, a lazy smile on his face.

Cassandra is eating this up, a bright smile on her face.

"Thank you, Sir Antonio. That is all we should need!"

The last four interviews finish quickly.

The report ends. Antonio Peretti sends one last look at me from behind his shoulder, even having the nerve to wink.

That b-


"Are you excited, buddy?" My dad ruffles my hair in the morning.

"Yeah, I guess."

My dad looks at me, pushing up his glasses just a bit. He smiles softly at me.

"You know, the first day I met your mother, I knew she was the one."

I look up at him. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, she was quite frustrated at the time because she has just gone through at least 20 men who had all faced her with varying shades of disrespect." He pauses, smiling at the memory.

"And me and Uncle Henri walked up. Uncle Henri didn't speak English, even broken english, at all at the time. I was there as his translator.

"I saw her eyebrows furrow with confusion, and all I could think about was how beautiful she was. That even after all of that, her tiara wasn't crooked or anything. She was still the perfect, pristine, graceful woman that had appeared on my TV every night.

"And Henri tried his best to talk to her, and I completely forgot that I was there to translate until she looked at me. She looked at me with those bright eyes, and I knew for a fact I was a goner. Every time Henri talked about her, I felt so guilty. I loved her so much.

"It felt impossible." He seems to remember I'm there, staring at him with wide eyes. "Turns out it wasn't." He smiles.

"So, the point your old man's trying to make is, it doesn't matter how hopeless this feels or how stupid it seems. You can find someone." He pauses.

"And, I think you should go out with Greyson first. I think they're good for you."

I laugh. "Yeah, dad, I'll think on it." He turns to leave.

"Wait, dad!" He looks at me. "Thank you, for your story."

He smiles, glad to be of help. "Of course, buddy."


Me and Ambella stand in front of 35 people, so excited they're practically buzzing.

First dates are always important. First kisses are always important.

Avel stands on the sidelines, looking anxiously between us and the group of people, clearly wondering who we will choose first.

"Your Highness, are you ready?" Avel asks, clearly unable to contain his anxiousness about the situation.

"Oh! Yes, of course, thank you Avel."

"I'll go first." Ambella smiles. "Lady Amber Solace of Allens, please." Ambella says, smiling shyly.

Shit. That's who I was going to pick.

My eyes flit between all of them, trying desperately to remember someone— anyone's— name.

I stutter. Who was that girl? That girl with the famous parents and the pretty smile? I can see her, she's standing right in front of me. Her eyebrow is raised, she's waiting for me.

Shit. What was her name?

"Lady Fayla Everly.. of," I didn't think this far ahead. Where is she from.

Ambella whispers the answer to me. "Sota!" I say, maybe a little too loud and happy.

"Lady Fayla Everly of Sota, please." Fayla smiles happily, standing and coming to stand next to me.

I let out a sigh.

First times the charm? Hopefully?












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