-chapter four

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alinka grace's point of view

I wake up in the very early hours of the morning in my small apartment.

The sunlight cascades throughout my room through the almost closed curtains, illuminating only a few things.

I want to say that I'll miss this, but I really doubt I will. I've only lived in this apartment since I moved back to Angeles, calculating when I will make my return to the palace.

But even so, Ambella probably hates me now. She should. I wanted her to.

I lay in my bed, waiting for just until I have to get up. At 9:30, I rise from my bed and start to dress myself. I was hoping not to stand out, but I'm certain that no matter what I wear it will be perceived by the public eye.

I wear what I'm comfortable with. Even though I live in Angeles, it's a fairly big province, and a plane ride to the Palace will take roughly two hours.

Once I'm finally finished fixing myself up, the doorbell rings, it's sound ricocheting through the small apartment until it reaches me.

I walk to the door, taking my time and dragging my feet. When I applied for the selection, I really didn't expect it to work. It was really just a pathetic attempt to get back to Ambella.

I open the door, met with a man in similar attire to the man who had taken my measurements.

He smiles at me, but it's clearly in genuine.

"Hello Miss Grace, we're here to pick you up and bring you to the airport. Do you have anything you want to bring with you?"

"This small duffel bag, please." I say, handing him the worn thing.

"May I ask what is in it? It will be searched at the airport, also, keep in mind."

"Just some sentimentals." Which was pretty much true. Maybe I was just a little afraid that Ambella doesn't remember me and I may have to show her some of our memories together. A letter, or two. My old glasses that I had accidentally stepped on and Ambella immediately replaced them with fresh contacts.

The man looks at me, opening the bag and rummaging through it. HmThe items are odd, but he doesn't seem to be any more intrigued when he closes the bag and hands it back to me.

"Come with me, Miss Grace." I follow him down the elevator and eventually into a black limousine.

"You may be waiting for a while at the airport, seeing as the others have to come in from other provinces."

I don't even have time to answer him before the window connecting me to the front seat closes abruptly.


The first to arrive is a girl with bright pink tufts of hair that are tied into a half-up, half down pigtail style.

She's very perky, but she doesn't say much other than hello and asked how my day was going. Her name is Amber Solace, and she comes from Allens. I'm glad she doesn't say anything.

The next person to arrive is from Atlin. They are very lanky, and awkwardly hold their sides the entire time while nervously looking between me, Amber, and the bodyguard.

Amber introduces herself, and the person only mutters out two words.

"Gene St. James." And that is all the rest of the interaction.

I recognize Nicolas Dior from the very second he enters the airport.

I only have seen him once, the one time that him and his family visited the palace for a Gala. He spent the entirey of this time following Ambella around the palace, asking repeatedly for a dance and flirting (very badly, might I add) with the poor lady.

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