-chapter two

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It's been two weeks, and it's finally time to draw the thirty five names for the selection.

I can see that Ambella is trying, going through the motions, but I see right through her. She's clearly stressing, hard, and this is getting to her.

As far as I know, Ambella has only loved one person. I'm not sure if it was romantic or platonic, I was always too afraid to ask, but I do know that Ambella bled for Alinka Grace.

Alinka was a servant a few years ago. Mom and Dad hardly knew about her. I wasn't supposed to, either, I wasn't supposed to know about the times when Ambella claimed to be sick when really she was just feasting up there with the servant girl.

Alinka wasn't someone that I would pause on, she was wonderful at sinking into the walls, but Ambella did.

Alinka stopped showing up. Ambella was sick for a few weeks. I don't know what happened, but she wasn't as bright sense then. I guess having a selection means she actually has to move on from the servant girl. I guess it makes it real.

Cassandra is doing last touch-ups on herself and Ambella. Cassandra, though only a decade or so older than me and Bella, has always cared for us. She's like a second nanny.

"We go on in five." The stage manager peeks in the room. Cassandra nods, rising and flattening out her dress.

She helps Ambella stand. Ambella sighs, tries to smile but stops. She takes a deep breath. Tries to smile again, and this time it sticks.

"Come on, Bella." Ambella smiles, taking my arm and walking out onto the set with me.

We take our seats around a small wooden table that holds 35 pieces of paper. These papers are the previously picked selected that will be arriving at the palace in under a week.

Over the past week, we have accepted piles upon piles of applications and accepted more and more stress. We hired some Avel Bartram to act as an advisor to the selected and parol the Men's Parlor, the Women's Room, and the Common Room.

Ambella straightens out, looking straight at the camera. Her gaze says one thing, bring. it. on.

"Places!" The stage manager calls.

The spotlights shoot on, and the green light on the side of the camera that indicates recording.

Cassandra straightens herself out one last time before revealing a dazzling smile to the camera.

My smile comes easily, but I can see that Ambella is struggling.

"This is the night that all of Illéa has anxiously anticipated for the past two weeks. Today is the day where the blessed Selected will be announced. Prince Cameron and Princess Ambella will be introducing the selected, and after all of you are introduced I will explain to the selected what will happen next." Cass moves slowly away from the camera, revealing me and Ambella. She walks towards our parents.

The suspense is killing me, so I can't imagine what it must be doing to the rest of Illéa.

"Prince Consort Eikko, do you have anything you want to say to the future selected?"

Dad sighs and smiles.

"Take all of your expectations, and dash them. Don't enter with a closed mind. Not everything is how it seems on television."

"Wise words, as always. Thank you." She says, and Dad nods respectfully. She doesn't need to interview us, she did that last week.

I picked up a card, handling it delicately. This name is more than a name. It's a picture as well.

"Mx Mason Levine, from Zuni." I say, pausing for just a moment and letting the program show a picture of them.

"Miss Amber Solace, from Allens." Ambella says.

"Mister Nicholas Dior, from Baffin." I can see Ambella cringe a little bit, but she tries her best to keep up appearances.

The name reading goes on for a bit longer. Haden Runn from Whites, Blair Barlowe from Kent. Anwen Olwen from Sumner.

I pause when I read the next card. My stomach drops to my feet, probably, and I send a glance to Ambella.

This is kind of really bad.

"Miss Alinka Grace, from Angeles." I try to move on as quickly as possible. Ambella doesn't falter, doesn't even blink. She simply picks up the next card and reads it off.

Which is odd. But acceptable. I guess.

There are a few more interesting, very interesting, people. There is Antonio Peretti, AKA, the creator of the shared selection. And Greyson Massey, who's parents are New Asia ambassadors. There's also Lyric Concentio, who is an indie artist that I have only heard of.

It's no doubt in my mind that these things aren't a coincidence, but I can't prove anything so I simply don't say anything.

The Report end's on this note,

"So, Selected of Illéa, within the next week a royal representative will arrive at your door with a makeup and stage team, followed with a royal guard for security measures. Please prepare as followed, and have a good week!"













note: please go to my spam book and vote for my next apply fic!!

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