-chapter three

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nicolas dior's first person point of view

"Yes, this is he. Oh. Yes, of course. Nicolas!" My father calls from the kitchens, I rise from my seat on the sofa, practically bolting to the kitchen.

My father doesn't meet my eyes as he hands me the phone, and I raise it to my ears.

"Hello, is this Nicolas Dior?"

"Yes, this is he."

"Perrrfect." The person on the other side of the phone elongates the "r", making the word much more defined. I roll my eyes.

"This is Avel Bartram, I just need to check a few things with you."

"Yeah, hit me." I say, sitting down on a countertop chair.

"I wanted to know if your fitters have arrived yet?" Just as he says the words the doorbell rings through the house.

"Oh! That must me them. Perrfect. Save this number and call if you need anything." He ends the call immediately.

I sigh, a little aggravated with his curtness. I don't save the number.

When I reach the door, a housekeeper has already opened it.

A tall man in a black suit and sunglasses, along with a thin, dainty woman in business attire stand by the doorway.

"Mr. Dior." The man takes off his sunglasses and shakes my hand. I nod once, not saying anything and slightly disturbed by the way he is acting. Like he is superior. Isn't he working for me, here?

"I'm Slim, and this is Andrea. I'll be taking your measurements and she will be filling you in on a few things."

"Right." I say.

"Is there somewhere in the house where I can measure you appropriately?" It takes me a moment, but I nod.

"Yes, we have a small fitting room." I say.

"Why that would be perfect, if you could show us to it. Now, while I take your measurements Andrea is going to fill you in on a few things." I'm leading him deeper into the house now, finally reaching the fitting room. I stand on the circular stage in the center, keeping my chin up and my arms out.

Andrea clears her throat.

"Before I begin, is there anyone in this house who could overhear or walk in?" I shake my head once.

"No, ma'am." I say without hesitation.

"Now, this may sound harsh, but you must understand. As of Friday, you are now considered property of the country of Illéa. You must take care of your body and keep up your physique. I have a few documents for you to sign as we go through this. Any failure to comply on your part witless, unfortunately, result in your removal from the Selection. Is this understood?"

"Yes." I say without hesitance.

"You are a heterosexual male, correct?"

"That is correct, yes."

"Wonderful. Now, I will assume that you won't need any supplements or vitamins of any kind. How well do you sleep?"

"Well enough."

"What do you consider to be, 'well enough', Mr. Dior?"

"Five to six hours a night." Andrea scribbles something down on her pad.

"We'll get you a prescription for that, Mr. Dior." She nods. "You can swallow a pill on your own, correct?"

"Yes, I can." Who needs help with that? Poor people, maybe.

"So, Mr. Dior, I'm afraid I have to ask this question due to previous mistakes with other selections. Do not mistake me, I am not asking if you are a virgin, but I must know if you currently have a girlfriend that you do not plan to break up with while in the duration of the Selection."

"No, I do not." I say, unless of course he counts miscellaneous models.

"Now, to discuss the rules of the Selection. If you have trouble understanding something, please tell me." I nod, trying my best to pay attention because my attention span was very quickly wavering.

"These have been set for decades, do remember. You cannot leave the palace if your own accord. You have to be dismissed by the prince or princess themselves, however in your case only the princess can dismiss you. Even the king and queen cannot force you out. They can, however, tell the princess they opinions on you, but ultimately she makes the descisions.

"There is no set timeline. This may go on for a matter of days or even last for years." I nod. I know my history, and I know for a fact that it will not last for said years.

"You do not arrange your times with the princess. She will seek you out if she wants to. Please do not go to him without invitation. We've had problems with the male suitors doing this. I understand, Mr. Dior, that you may want to reach out and set up times first in order to get Her Highness's attention, however I very strongly advise against it. The princess will not take to this lightly.

"While no one expects you to get along with the other 34 contestants, you are not to fight with them or sabotage them. If you are found laying hands on another contestant, causing them stress, stealing from them, or doing anything that might feminist their personal relationship with the princess or prince, it is in her hands whether or not to dismiss you immediately.

"Your only romantic relationship will be with Princess Ambella. If you are found writing love letters to someone at here or at the palace, it is considered treason and is punishable by," There is a noticeable pause here, "death.

Though these days the Palace has banned caning and unnecessarily cruel punishments, you can and will be banished from the nation of Illéa.

Please do keep in mind that your position as one of the selected does not put you above the law. You can and will be punished accordingly if caught breaking an Illéa law.

You must also not wear any clothes or eat any food not provided by the palace. This is a security issue and will be very strictly enforced.

You are expected to be at the Illéa report and take pictures with the princess. Please expect this and prepare yourself accordingly.

For each week you stay at the palace, your family will be heavily compensated. Your first check will arrive after Slim and I leave.

Should you make it to the top ten, you will be considered an elite. Once you reach that status, you will be required to learn and prepare for being a prince and even possible a royal Prince Consort. You should not seek this information out beforehand, as it gives you an unfair advantage." Andrea looks up at me from her clipboard, just as Slim takes his last measurement.

"That should be it. I have your check here, and a document for you to sign to make sure you have heard and will comply to the rules. You may also sign for the receival of your check." She smiles as I quickly sign both documents.

"Wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Dior, an aide will be here on Thursday to drive you to the airport where you will, then, be flown to Angeles where you will meet the princess. Have a good rest of your week, Mr. Dior."

"You too."













note: the rules were almost exactly copy-pasted from the original Selection book by Kiera Cass!! i did not come up with those, lol

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