-chapter eight

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fayla everly's pov

Okay, I don't want to toot my own horn, but it didn't take a rocket-scientist to know that Cameron was clearly going to pick me.

He planned on picking Amber, because he liked her dress style and her enthusiasm. How do I know? Because I've been a celebrity and a bit of an actress for my entire life.

I can read an expression or two.

Ambella only chose Amber because she knew Cameron was going to, and she wanted an excuse not to choose Alinka Grace.

Oh, yeah, I know about her too. She used to know Ambella some way, right? Yeah, Ambella's not very good at hiding her stares.

But anyway, he remembered me because I was good with Cassandra last night. Also, I was right in front of him. I could see the gears turn in his head trying to remember his name.

But I could be wrong. I don't think I am, though.

"I hope you aren't too dissapointed in a walk around the gardens, they aren't going to set up camera crews for the dates until, at least, next week, and I think just getting to know you would be easier." Cameron says shyly.

"Of course." I say, smiling.

"So, why'd you choose me?" I saw him stutter and scramble for an answer, and I laugh because it's funny to see people squirm.

"I'm just kidding, your Highness. I knew you weren't planning on choosing me, but I'm glad you did." I say, bumping his shoulder in a sort of jest.

He relaxes a little, smiling.

"Thank you, Lady Fayla. And please don't call me your Highness."

"If I can't call you your Highness, you mustn't call me Lady." I stop on the road, smiling at him.



My walk with Cameron was very nice. We get along very well, and even though I didn't have the highest opinion about this experience beforehand, I don't think I'll be soon to go.

I requested dinner by myself, because that's how I usually have it and I'm trying to ease myself into the steaming hot bath that is having meals with 40 people in the room.

Though the maids gave me a bit of a side eye, I shrugged it off. I'm happy.

I eat a delicious meal of a bunch of things I don't know the name of, and finished off with a delicate pastry for desert that makes me want to faint.

The cook here is divine.

I truly am lucky to get the first date. Instead of meeting us and talking to us, for a total of 30 seconds, we just did our interviews and they decided from there.

I don't think I will be going home very soon, at all.


I feel kind of bad, because the next day the first eliminations happen.

I guess they didn't agree on many people, because it isn't as drastic as previous Selections have been.

Haden Runn from Whites, Pam Greene from Paloma, and Henre Renee from Midston are all sent home in the early hours of the morning.

I feel awful for them, being singled out like that. But, to be honest, I'm just glad I haven't somehow offended Cameron and I am able to keep my place here.

As I walk into the dining hall that morning, I unfortunately hear some hysterical crying that I can tell originates from Pam because she has an annoyingly squeaky voice that is unmistakable.

I don't want to embarrass her, so I let a guard know that she's over there, and he thanks me.

As soon as I walk in, I can feel every single person's gaze on me.

I can see that it's not just me, because even so a few people are glancing at Amber.

Amber is surrounded by her previously made friends, just about halfway through scoffing down her food, when she looks at me.

Her eyes plead that I come sit but her, so I do.

She swallows, and leans forward to me.

"Oh my god. I'm literally terrified. They have been acting weird all morning, and I think it's because we got first date."

I nod. I mean, I'm not unused to people being jealous of me, but it's not exactly something that's common for me.

The prince and princess walk in at that exact moment, both wearing horse riding outfits.

"Okay, everyone, once you are done eating, please meet us in the common room." I look at everyone else, who is looking at everyone else.

Well, this cannot be good.


"So, I'm sure you all have heard of the three people who were dismissed this morning." Ambella says. I try not to gulp too loudly, because I have nothing to fear. Right?

"Believe me, none of them did anything offensive and it was simply agreed on both me and Cameron's part that those people would not be a good match for either of us." She explains with a small smile.

"We'll probably get to more eliminations in the coming days. However, now we will focus on something else." She looks at Cameron who smiles.

"Getting to know each other."

That should be good, but somehow it doesn't feel that way.












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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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