Chapter 32

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~Anna's POV~

I was still shocked Jorel proposed to me at his own concert. I must've been hella special. I loved the ring and everything. Once I started my job I felt really happy. I worked with other artists and did presentations and projects, just like college but better.

When I got home it felt just right, I was with Jorel, I was engaged, I had a really stable job, how did I even deserve this? I hoped my dad was proud of how far I've come.

"Hey babe! How was work?" Jorel asked.

"It was great. I have a project assigned tomorrow and I'm so excited to see what it is." I said.

"You're gonna do spectacular as always. I'm sure they love you there." He said.

"Everyone likes me. It's very nice. They also complimented my ring and told me congratulations." I said.

"That's amazing." He said.

"Yeah, I'm glad I stood up to my promise to my dad." I said.

"He's probably proud as fuck." He said.

"I hope so. What have you been doing today?" I asked.

"Working with Danny and the guys on the new album and working on the wedding." He said.

"Do you need any of my help? I'm free for today." I said.

"If you'd like, there's not much to do now, we've got everything all set up and yes, we took your requests and put them in there." He said.

"Great. It sucks I won't have a bridesmaid." I said.

"Well, you're just too awesome for one." He said.

"Well, if Danny's wife Theresa would like to be." I said.

"I'll ask. You just focus on work, I'm not putting any stress on you." He said.

"Thank you, that means a lot. This weekend when I'm off I'm gonna go dress shopping and stuff with Theresa. We've been getting pretty close lately since she works with me." I said.

"Yeah, she said she was really excited to have you work with them. You're a great addition and they said they really needed someone like you." He said.

"I'm glad to be there." I said.

"I'm glad that you're there. You deserve all the happiness you can get." He said.

"You're too sweet." I said.

Jorel smiled, I was really happy. I did feel like I deserved it because all these years I had worked my ass off to get what I want in life and I got it.

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