Chapter 7

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The band had been going pretty great, and Anna and I were really good. My parents were gonna be home in a few days so I couldn't really hangout with her after. My parents were kind of strict when they were home.

"I hate to say it, but I wish your parents were gone longer. I hate not seeing you." Anna said.

"Me too." I said.

"I'm sure we can find out a way to hangout." She said.

"My parents let me out all the time, they just don't let anyone over because of how 'busy' they are." I said.

"Well then you can just come over everyday." She said.

"I like the sound of that." I said.

"Me too. Now, we should probably get up." She said.

"Do we really have to?" I asked.

"Yes, I wanna go for a swim." She said.

"Okay." I said.

She somehow had a bathing suit in her bag, I shrugged and got on a swimsuit.

We got into my pool which I hadn't really been in awhile because I didn't wanna swim alone, usually the guys would come over and swim.

"Your pool is really nice." Anna said.

"It is." I said, getting my hair wet.

I caught Anna staring at me. Her body just looked so perfect.

"What're you staring at?" I asked.

"You silly. You're so perfect." She said.

"No babe that's all you." I said, kissing her.

"I love you so much Jorel." She said.

"I love you so much Anna." I said.

"I'm so glad we met or I wouldn't have found the man I really enjoy being with." She said.

"I'm glad I took that spot before anyone else could." I said.

"When I first saw you I got butterflies when you looked at me back because I thought you were really cute." She said.

"When I saw you at your locker walking with Deuce I couldn't help but stare a little, you just looked so beautiful." I said.

"I remember a few random chicks asking if I was new and when I said yeah they told me to stay away from you because apparently they 'claimed' you." She said.

"Ew." I said.

"Exactly. They had like no clothes on either." She said.

"See I don't like girls who just like me because I'm good looking. I like you because you actually care about me and I really care about you and you're beautiful as hell." I said.

"I like you because you're the sweetest guy I know and you actually care about me too. I've never met someone like you and I'm glad I met you." She said.

"I'm really glad I met you Anna." I said.

Anna smiled. I pulled her in and kissed her. She did the thing where she started making out with me again.

I really hoped I wouldn't lose this girl.

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