Chapter 15

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~Jorel's POV~

Since Anna had been busy with being president, which I was very proud of her for, I had been keeping myself busy by working on the band and singing with the guys. We had been almost done with our first album called Swan Songs.

"This album is gonna be so dope!" Deuce said.

"Will anyone even listen to it?" Charlie asked.

"We can spread it around social media." George said.

"You're right J3T." Kurlzz said.

"Alright guys I gotta go, mom needs me to watch the kiddos." Deuce said.

Deuce left as George and Kurlzz left shortly after.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yessir." Dylan said.

I said my goodbyes and drove home. My dad was in his room working. I decided to click on the TV until I got a call from Anna.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey handsome. What are you doing?" Anna asked.

"Just watching TV." I said.

"That's good. You wanna hangout?" She asked.

"Yeah just come over here whenever you're free." I said.

"I'll be there in 10." She said.

I hung up as I kept watching TV. I did miss Anna. She was acting a little different because of all the popular girls in the student council. It made me wonder if that was gonna ruin this relationship, but I was probably overthinking.

Anna knocked on the door and I opened it. I kissed her and she walked inside.

"So, how are you doing?" Anna asked.

"I've been doing great. The band is coming along very good." I said.

"Amazing." She said.

"How about you? How's student council?" I asked.

"Great. I made so many friends." She said.

"That's great love." I said.

"I'm actually hanging out with Mia and her group tomorrow if that's okay." She said.

"Oh yeah that's fine." I said.

"You can come if you want." She said.

"I'm actually picking up my car tomorrow so I can't." I said.

"I'm happy for you for getting a car." She said.

"Thank you Anna." I said.

I spent the rest of the day with Anna but I was still overthinking like crazy. Usually Mia brings a lot of dudes over and with someone as beautiful as Anna they could get her from me.

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