Chapter 26

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I had been doing great at the college. I felt more comfortable in Jorel's clothes more than mine. But, I still had to look presentable for presentations. Every single class someone would compliment something. I felt very welcomed here.

"Hey Anna!" Matthew said.

"Hey Matt!" I said.

"Would you like to come sit with me and my friends?" He asked.

"Of course. I don't have anyone to sit with anyway. I don't want to be in that popular crowd." I said.

"Great! Follow me." He said.

We went to the table and there were a lot of girls and boys. It seemed really cool.

"Hey everyone, this is Anna. She's my dorm mate. She's really cool." Matthew said.

They all smiled at me as I sat down next to Matthew.

"Did you guys hear Hollywood Undead's album 'Swan Songs'? It's so dope!" One of the kids said.

"Yeah, Anna. Can I tell them about Jorel?" Matthew asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Guys, you know J-Dog from Hollywood Undead right?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah." The kid said.

"He's Anna's boyfriend." He said.

"Holy shit, so cool!" The kid said.

"Yeah." I said.

"By the way I'm Adam. This is my girlfriend Michelle." Adam said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"How long have you guys been dating?" He asked.

"About a year." I said.

"So cool. He seems like a cool dude." He said.

"He's amazing." I said.

"Hollywood Undead is basically trending here. But, if any girl in the popular crowd found out J-Dog's your  boyfriend they'd trash you." He said.

"I'll be careful. So, don't tell anyone." I said.

"My lips are sealed. We don't tell secrets at this table. For example when Matthew asked you to tell us about him." He said.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"Welcome to the group." He said.

I smiled. I had been fitting in very well and it was with the right people.

After classes I went straight to my dorm. Matthew was there with his girlfriend which made me miss Jorel.

"I'll give you two some privacy, I'll see you later Matt." I said.

"See you later Anna!" He said.

I got one of Jorel's hoodie and went outside to the park that the school had. Anyone could go there. I decided to FaceTime Jorel.

~Jorel's POV~

I was watching TV until Anna called me.

"Hey you!" I said.

"Ugh it feels so nice to see your face. How are you?" Anna asked.

"I'm okay, I miss you a lot." I said.

"I miss you too. I have something to tell you." She said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Hollywood Undead is trending here. Everyone loves the Swan Songs album." She said.

"Oh fuck yeah." I said.

"Matthew brought it up when you left." She said.

"Did you tell him that I'm the famous J-Dog?" I asked.

"Yea, but he didn't tell anyone. His friend Adam said their group doesn't share secrets because of how fake the people are. The girls in the popular group would torture me if they found out I'm with you." She said.

"I'm glad I wear a mask." I said.

"Yeah, otherwise if you came here everyone would tackle you." She said.

"I'll be there to visit tomorrow by the way." I said.

"Thank goodness." She said.

"Yeah. I'm gonna take you out for lunch and stuff." I said.

"Okay. I gotta go back inside. It's cold." She said.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She said.

I smiled as she hung up. She was wearing my hoodie that I loved to death. I also loved her to death.

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