Chapter 31

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We made it to Arizona for the concert and I was thinking of how I was gonna propose to Anna the whole time. I was thinking after the concert. I'm sure everyone would like that, and besides Anna loved supporting us for our music.

"I'm so excited to see you guys play." Anna said.

"I'm so excited too." I said.

"I hate Arizona but this is for our fans." Dylan said.

"Yeah, Jordon over here might piss his pants because of how excited he is." Danny said.

"What? I like being excited. And don't use Jordon so much, Charlie is much better." Jordon said.

"Yeah whatever." Danny said.

"Alright. Danny and I will share a room, Dylan and George will share a room, and Kurlzz will share with Danny and I." Jordon said.

"Sounds good." I said.

Anna and I went to our room, I smiled because she was so pretty and she had no idea what I was gonna do at the concert tomorrow.

"I'm so tired, that was a pretty long bus ride." Anna said.

"Me too." I said.

I got changed into comfortable clothes, Anna went to go take a shower. I laid in bed and watched TV and then Anna went in bed with me, she fell asleep like 2 minutes laying with me.

The next morning I felt refreshed and Anna was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and reading a book.

"Good morning, well, afternoon." Anna said.

"Did I really sleep that long?" I asked.

"You did. It's 1 PM." She said.

"Oh shit I got to get ready to go to the stadium." I said.

"Alright. I'll meet you in about an hour." She said.

I nodded as I got ready. Once I got done getting ready I got a Taxi over to the stadium. The guys were already in there setting up everything.

"What's up sleepy head!" Danny said.

"Shut up I was tired." I said.

"You got the box with you?" He asked.

I nodded, pulling the little box out of my flannel pocket.

"She's gonna be so happy I just know it." Dylan said.

"I hope she is." I said.

A few hours later people were showing up and it became packed with people. Anna was talking with Danny in the other room while I was tuning my guitar.

"Be ready in 5 party people!" Jordon said.

We got ready and went out on stage. The concert ended up being a blast. Danny handed the microphone to me.

"So, as you all know I met this girl in high school named Anna. We had been together for what 3 or 4 years. Anyways, Anna, can you come out?" I asked.

Anna blushed, coming out to the stage.

"We have been together for so long and this girl has been my best friend." I said, kneeling down.

Anna went wide eyed and started crying as I opened the little box.

"Will you do the honor of marrying me?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I will." She said as I put the ring on her.

"FUCK YEAH!" Jordon yelled in the microphone.

Everyone clapped and cheered as I kissed Anna. She looked so excited and I was happy.

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