Chapter 9

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I had stayed at Anna's for a few days. I wasn't ready to come home yet because I knew I was gonna get a lecture for leaving. It was fall break and they still always got mad.

"You should probably go talk to them soon." Anna said softly as she played with my hair.

"I'd rather be here with you right now." I said.

"That's fine too." She said, laughing a little bit.

I always felt better around Anna. I had been dealing with my parents basically treating me like shit all my life and Anna made it a lot better.

"Do you know when you're gonna go talk to them?" Anna asked.

"I don't know. They're pretty pissed at me right now for leaving the house with permission but I don't care." I said.

"I wonder why they get so pissed." She said.

"I don't know, they're just strict." I said.

"It'll be okay love." She said.

"I know." I said.

"But at least talk to your dad for me. My dad left us when I was 14 and I never talked to him until he passed away a few days later from a car crash." She said.

"I'll talk to him, I'm not ruining my relationship with my dad." I said.

"So, is it your mom or dad that's more strict?" She asked.

"Definitely my mom." I said.

"My mom's pretty chill. She really likes you. She said 'that Jorel guy is one heck of a gentleman, where did you get someone so handsome?'" She said.

I laughed a little, that was cute she did the impression of her mom too.

"Alright, I should probably head home for a bit. I'll see you when I can." I said.

"Call me when everything's handled, if you get grounded I'll see you at school next week." She said.

I kissed Anna good bye and walked back home. Once I got in the door my parents were fighting again.

"Where the hell have you been Jorel Decker?" My mom asked.

"Staying at Anna's." I said.

"You should've asked me permission first." She said.

"You would've said no anyway, you never let me do anything except if it's with Deuce or the guys." I said.

"I don't like this Anna chick you've been talking about." She said.

"You've never even met her." I said.

"I don't want you seeing her anymore." She said.

"She's the reason I actually came home. She told me I should talk to you guys. She's the reason I'm still in this fucked up world right now so don't tell me I can't see her anymore because I'll keep seeing her." I said, walking away.

"Don't walk away from this conversation!" She said.

I slammed my door and locked it. I should've stayed at Anna's longer.

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