Quickly Harry rushes up the steps, cranning his ear to hear something, anything, he needs to hear Mirabel, make sure she's okay. He hears humming, her humming, and got to the top of the stairs. He sees the light down the hall and looks at the map. It said Sirius Black was right down that hall.

Sneaking down Harry got to the doorframe and he grips his wand. On the count of three. One.... Two.... Three!

Harry enters the room, his cloak falling away, with his wand raised ready to shout the most painful spell of hex he can think of. What he got though was a very startled and shocked Mirabel staring at him with wide eyes as she held her wand in a light spell.

"Harry? What are you?" She began. "Where is he?!" Harry exclaims looking around. The room had scratch marks and bite marks everywhere and a old tattered bed. "Where's who?" Mirabel asks. "Sirius Black! He was here he was!" Harry gestures to the map looking down at it and his eyes widened.

Sirius Black's name was gone from the map, meaning he must have gotten away. Looking up Harry asks. "Where did he go? Did he hurt you? How did he get into the dorms?" Harry asks in a rapid fire. "Harry desacelerar, what are you talking about? I've been alone the entire time," she explains. Harry looks at her, than the map, he had been so sure he saw Black's name just a minute ago.

"If you've been alone than why are you here?" Harry asks her. Mirabel looks defensive and asks. "Well how did you know I was here?" She asks. Harry held up his map and Mirabel deflates. "Forgot about that," she said. "Now why are you here?" Harry asks. Mirabel bit her lip and said. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" She asks. Harry nodded his head so she answers.

"Okay well I found out that this shack wasn't actually haunted," she explains. "And it was?" Harry asks. "It used to belong to a werewolf," she said and Harry's eyes widened. "What? Who!?" He asks. "I don't know, someone from a really long time ago though. They chained themselves up in here to keep from hurting anyone," Mirabel gestures to the chains on the floor Harry hadn't noticed.

"I think Dumbledore used to put any werewolf student in here during a full moon. Judging from the dust though it hasn't been used in years, if decades," Mirabel explains. It does make sense to Harry that is something Dumbledore would do, he gives everyone a chance. "So you snuck out so you could find some werewolf stuff?" Harry asks and Mirabel nodded shamefully. "I needed it for the cure," she said.

Harry wants to be understanding, but he just can't. "What the bloody hell were you thinking!? A wanted murder is on the loose! Dementors are roaming the ground! I thought you were kidnapped! I thought you were in danger!" Harry yells at her. "I can handle myself Harry," Mirabel defended. "You don't know that! How could you be so selfish! Do you have any idea what would have happened if Black had!" He pauses to himself stewing in his anger. How could she do something like this? She was always so responsible and rule abiding just like Hermione.

"Harry," Mirabel put a hand on his shoulder and all that anger he had turned to grief and he chokes on a whimper. "I can't loose anyone else to that man," He said. Mirabel pulls Harry into a hug and he hugs her back. "Harry, it's okay to cry if you need to," Mirabel said.

That seemed to open the flood gates for him. He cries, he cries as much as he wants. "I can't loose you. Your the first friend I ever had and I already lost my parents, if I lost you, Ron, Hermione, or anyone because of me I," Harry trails off and sucks in a deep breath. Mirabel takes his hand and hugs it to her chest. "You were my first friend too Harry," she said. Harry looks at her and said said. "Look I am sorry, I should have never snuck out without telling anyone. I just didn't think anyone would actually care," she said. "What do you mean?" Harry asks. Mirabel shrugs her shoulders. "Well no one really cares when I'm in danger. You went for the stone not me, you went to save Ginny last year, Isabela just didn't want to return without me, pretty sure my family wouldn't really care about me when I was attacked by dementors, I just thought," She said shrugging. "Mirabel! Of course we care! I would have given up the stone for you, I went for both you and Ginny, Isabela was a mess when you got petrified, she cried over you and never left you side except to grow the mandrakes, when they were done she ripped the roots off and ran to the hospital wing, your family would definitely care, we all care! Draco actually showed a heart when it happened because he cares about you! Mirabel people care about you why is that so hard for you to get?!" Harry yells at her. Mirabel looks taken aback by this being redirected at her.

She's quiet for a moment before she answers. "Just got low self esteem I guess," she shrugs.

It's quiet and Mirabel continues to talk. "Hey Harry? I promise you whatever happens you aren't going to loose any of us," Mirabel said. Harry doesn't quite believe that so Mirabel gives him a small smile. "Harry, your not the only one who lost people to that man," Harry knew she didn't mean Sirius. "We loose people everyday, but we honour them by telling their story. That scar is not just the mark he left you, that mark is the mark of your parents love. That is something that can never be stolen from you," Mirabel states. Harry looks at her and sees her sincerity and can't help the smile. "How did I get a friend like you?" He asks. Mirabel gives a
hum with a shrug. "How'd you get three you mean? Pretty sure we'd all give our own spin of that speech to you. Now come on, I got what I want let's head back before anyone sees us gone," She suggests and Harry agreed.

They headed down and Harry began walking to the hidden door he came from. "Wait where are you going?" Mirabel asks. "The secret passage with the Whomping Willow, the same one you took," Harry said. "No, I took the secret passage in the Gryffindor Girl's bathroom. No way was I taking the way with the tree," Mirabel said with a snort. "There's a secret passage in the girls bathroom?" Harry looks at the castle on his map. "But it doesn't say anything about a secret passage in the dorms," Harry said. "Well whoever made the map must have been guys then and just had enough dignity not to risk getting caught in a girls bathroom. Come on if we go through the Whomping Willow it would be twice as fast," Mirabel said.

Harry lead her down the passage and after Mirabel being her clumsy self tripped on a large root they managed to the exit. "Does the Willow seem okay?" Mirabel asks looking up at the oddly still tree. "Maybe it's nicer to people leaving it?" He suggests and Mirabel shrugs. They headed up to a wall on the castles side and Mirabel feels around on the wall before she found the stone. She pressed it and a moment later the side opens to reveal the passage. "Took this to get out and than I used my broom," Mirabel said gesturing to the broom Harry hadn't noticed she was holding. Mirabel lead the way and Harry follows.

As the passage closed neither of them noticed the shadow of a black dog hiding in the nearby bushes.

Mirabel and the Marauder's MapWhere stories live. Discover now