Flashback-2 Weeks ago

Start from the beginning

There were different reactions from the team. The people who were staying and never thought to leave Paris were caught off guard that anyone would leave. Those who had accepted university studies aboard looked sad but understanding.

"I will always be available to contact through my Ladybug phone number and will gladly loan your miraculous back if you come to visit. I'm sure your kwami will miss you, as will we all," Ladybug said making eye contact with those she already knew were leaving.

No one knew what to say when she finished and they all looked to their teammates wondering who would be leaving. There were several couples who knew each other's identities and plans for the future, but without knowing everyone many were left to wonder who would be leaving their ranks.

"Maybe we should have a party together before everyone leaves?" Pigella said in her sweet high pitched voice.

"Who is leaving though?" Carapace asked looking around and trying to read the faces.

"No one has to share if they don't want to," Viperion said.

"Some people might have reasons for not sharing," Vesperia said backing up Viperion.

"We will find out when they stop showing up, I'd rather know beforehand so I can make them goodbye presents!" Pigella said.

There was a short silence while people looked around waiting.

"We are both leaving, but not for a few more months," Rooster Bold said as he stepped forward raising his hand and Caprikid followed him up looking around at everyone. Pigella gave a sad look but didn't get to say anything because someone else was speaking up.

"I'm leaving too," Pegasus added. He purposefully did not want to share that his timeframe was shorter than others. Everyone's eyes turned to look but then swung to the next to speak out right after.

"I'll be gone, but you can expect me back to visit at every break," King Monkey said puffing up his chest.

"Well I'm leaving too, but I can come more often since I should keep my watch, it's a family heirloom and I can burrow back if Ladybug needs me," Bunnyx added in her competitive tone.

"Bunnyx, if you aren't in Paris, I don't know if you should keep your Miraculous. You do make a valid point, but we should talk in private before you just assume that," Ladybug said preventing King Monkey from responding and starting up their arguing again.

"You're right Ladybug, I'm sorry." She looked down a little embarrassed for her rashness.

"I know I haven't been a part of the team very long, but I'll be leaving at the end of summer too," Miss Hound didn't feel like she was as important as the others so were trying to make her comment quiet. When everyone turned their sad faces to her she could feel their connection and knew she would miss them.

"Will you come back?" Pegasus asked.

"I hope I can, but I'm going pretty far..." she answered.

"I see," he answered softly.

"I, too, will be leaving Paris," Ryoku stated in her brisk manner.

"I'm going to miss you all so much!" Pigella exclaimed starting to tear up.

"Nobody is leaving forever, this is our home," Rena Furtive tried to comfort her since she was standing on the other side of her.

"It just feels like something is ending," Purple Tigress said with an arm around Pigella.

Many of them were thinking along the same lines, Hawkmoth was defeated and school was about to end, what other changes would happen as they all grew up.

"We will always be the Miraculous Team," Chat Noir held his fist out in the middle of the large circle of superheroes. Without hesitation, they all followed their leader and joined together their fists and chorused "pound it!"

Note: sorry this one is a little shorter than the others, I am still trying to get better at writing these types of chapters

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Note: sorry this one is a little shorter than the others, I am still trying to get better at writing these types of chapters.

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