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Shuffling along the wall, trying to stay as low as she could, Rosa cursed herself for wearing such stupid heels. She'd taken them from her best friend's girlfriend and honestly- she regretted it big time. They were huge, yeah. They made her taller, yeah. But they were absolutely no good to sneak out in. Although, despite the heels, she looked really good and the dress, who she also stole from Jenna, was pretty fitting. She expected it to be too big as Jenna was a little bigger than her but the material was super stretchy. It was the first expensive thing Rosa had ever owned and it made her feel quite excited. She adored the idea of money and spending and material items. She supposed it came from the lack of such things growing up.

Reaching the stonewall, Rosa tugged off her heels and threw them over it. She then used her strength and pulled herself up. This route ended her up in a field on the outskirts of town and it was dark and muddy but it stopped her from being caught by the night guards who somehow hated her as much as Professor Celly. God, Rosa hated that man. Just the thought of him made her shiver. Standing up straight, Rosa began to scurry along the grass, praying she didn't stand in shit. She wanted to get to the bar as quickly as possible- she wanted out of the cold and into the mix of bodies, alcohol and sweat. It didn't sound appealing to most but to Rosa it was freedom. It was a way to escape not only her own mind but the prison walls of her school also. When she lived at home, she found comfort in alcohol as it helped her bond with her alcoholic parents and being miles away from home, alcohol kept her connected to her roots. It was silly logic but it was Rosa's logic. Her home was in the bar, surrounded by the stench and music and bodies and liveliness. It certainly wasn't in her bedroom- no matter how expensive it all seemed.

"Another one," Rosa hollered at the bartender holding up her shot glass. She'd taken six already and her throat was on fire but she lived for it. Music boomed through her she felt her heart hammering to the sound of the DJ. The shot was placed in front of her and she smirked, winking at the attractive man. He had tattoos scattered up his arms and his sleeves rolled up. Muscles were obvious under his unbuttoned shirt and she craved to touch him. She wanted to feel his touch too. She wanted to feel his hot breath on her neck and move down her chest. She wanted to see his face as she touched his dick. She wanted to choke on it, suck it dry. She wanted him.

She got him. Very quickly his hands were roaming her body as she let out short, sharp, sensual breaths. He kissed down her neck along the exposed skin and sucked at it, leaving obvious marks for people to see in the morning. His hand gripped her and held her up against the wall as her hands clawed at his bareback. He lowered himself down and raised up her dress, she moaned louder than she expected as his hot breath hit her pulse.

"I was about to go!" She screamed at the security guard as he grabbed her arm forcefully. She yanked it away and glared in his direction although not looking above his chest. She turned her evil glare towards the woman she just slapped and clenched her fist. She desperately wanted to do it again.
"You're a fucking whore," the woman spat. Rosa scoffed.
"Says the one who can't keep her boyfriend in check."
"You went on to him."
"At least I get paid for fucking him. You got cheated on." Rosa replied, she threw the remains of her drink in the woman's direction before turning away quickly. She wanted out now. Apparently, the hot, sexy bartender- who Rosa now realised was very, very gay- had a girlfriend. A possessive one at that. The woman, who wasn't even wearing a nice outfit for the club walked up to them just as she was getting to the good bit. However, it had dawned on her, now, that she wasn't going to cum with the man. He was shit. Absolutely awful. Rosa might as well had fucked a virgin.

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Rosa could have sworn that in the time she'd been gone, the school had made more steps between the sneak out point and her dorm room. She shivered as she shuffled, as quietly as she could, past the sleeping rooms. She wanted to curl up in bed and go to sleep now. An impending headache was looming over her shoulders and she felt sweaty and sticky. She was obviously drunk but she was sober enough. Sober enough to hear the words coming from around the corner. Although she'd reached her dorm and could very easily avoid being noticed or any sort of extra punishment, she couldn't help herself. Looking around the corner, she saw her headmistress standing there- slumped against the wall. She was wearing all black, from head to toe- literally. There wasn't even a seam in the outfit. Rosa couldn't help but see a resemblance to Cat Woman despite it being nowhere near Halloween. Next to her, stood Emilia, her classics teacher. Rosa smiled then, she loved Emilia. Not in a weird way, more in a motherly way. Emilia had really helped Rosa when she first joined the school and Rosa appreciated that. It didn't help that Emilia was Rosa's floor manager. Meaning that Emilia did checkups on the girls on that resident floor regularly and, if in the middle of the night, Rosa ever needed anything, she'd go to Emilia. More often than not, Mistress Colombo was there too. Rosa noticed, however, that this interaction between them was different. They were both very angrily speaking in a completely different language. Rosa had no idea what they were saying and at first, she questioned if it even was a real language. To her, it was noises. Mistress Colombo and Emilia were both speaking through their body language too and as they turned- Rosa saw that Emilia was helping Mistress Colombo. A large cut went down her headteacher's arm and Rosa gasped.

Both heads quickly turned to see the noise but Rosa was gone. She shut her dorm door as quietly as she could and stood in the dark- silently praying there wasn't going to be a knock on the door. If either of them knew she was eavesdropping, she'd be in a lot of trouble. Although she understood none of it, lights out were several hours ago and Rosa had obviously been drinking.
After a few moments, Rosa crept to her bed and silently took off her dress. She threw it somewhere on the floor before pulling her cover over her head. She grabbed her stuffed cat teddy which she couldn't sleep without and took a deep breath. Suddenly, she was exhausted.

The conversation between Emilia and Mistress Colombo played on Rosa's mind all night as she slept. For some reason, Rosa was transfixed. The language sounded familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it. She dreamt of Mistress Colombo with her cat costume and desperately wanted to know more about her cut. Her mind made up elaborate stories about it- everything from sadness to domestic arguments to cooking gone wrong. Rosa wanted to know.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───

The breakfast hall was quiet for a Friday morning. Rosa slid into a seat beside Tobias and Jenna, his girlfriend, but they continued their conversation as if she wasn't there. Not that Rosa minded, her eyes were on Mistress Colombo. The woman sat at the top desk, wearing her suit now and Rosa noticed the white bandage peeking out from her sleeve as she fiddled with her hair. Rosa remembered her dreams, she often did but these ones were nagging. She really wanted to know. Part of her felt obsessive. Yeah, she liked the Colombo sisters but she didn't want to like them that much. Emilia was nice and all but Mistress Colombo was nothing more than her headteacher- although a drop-dead gorgeous one.
"Damn girl!" Jenna suddenly shrieked, leaning over the table and moving Rosa's black hair from her face. Rosa jumped and moved away from the hand coming towards her but everyone was looking now. Jenna and Tobias's eyes were wide as they examined her neck. She couldn't help but smirk.
"You're not making it obvious at all," she laughed, pulling her hair back over her shoulder. Rosa noticed, in the mirror that morning, that the bartender went a lot harder than she first thought and somehow she had about six- she only remembered getting a total of three.
"Did you get some?" Tobias smirked, nudging his best friend.
"Nooo, I gave them to myself," Rosa rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yes, I got some."
"Where from, who, when?" Jenna rambled, leaning over the table.
"The bar in town from the gorgeous bartender and last night."
Tobias laughed and Jenna's eyes bulged in her head.
"It's not that big of a deal," Rosa laughed, pushing out her chair just as the morning bell rang. Breakfast was over and it was time for another two hours of the lovely Professor Celly.

It took Rosa a record of twenty minutes to be kicked out of the class. Groaning and moaning, she headed through the school towards Mistress Colombo's office. At least it was better than dealing with Professor Celly.

Let me teach you, RosaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora