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Carrying her books through the halls, Rosa felt more elated than ever. Last week, her crush agreed to go to coffee with her. She couldn't have been happier- even on the way to Professor Celly's class. All week, she'd sat in her English lessons, she'd gone to all of her lessons, she'd down her homework, engaged and she felt incredible. She no longer felt like she was failing, she had a lot more hope for the exams which were coming up and honestly, she just wanted to get through today. She had two sets of three A's on the report card and after today, she was hoping to get her third set. She couldn't wait to show Chloe the card and see the pride on her face. she wanted the cuddle, the hug, the coffee. She wanted the positive attention she'd been craving for so long. Part of her wanted Chloe to be so proud of her, she'd get a kiss, maybe a little more. 

She hummed on the way, thinking about it. All week, she'd been dreaming about her and Chloe, together. She thought about living together, officially, once she'd finished school. However, it always made her chuckle. She'd not slept a night with Chloe and had no idea if she was a snorer! She couldn't stand snorers. Yet, she knew that even if Chloe did snore, she'd work past it, just for her. 

Realising she had about fifteen minutes until her next lesson, Rosa subtly passed by the phones. Noticing one was free, she headed over. Placing her things on the floor by her feet, she padded in her parent's number. Silently, she waited for the line to engage. She felt the anxiety in her stomach growing as the phone beeped its familiar ringing tone. 
After a few more moments, the line connected and a confused voice came from the other end: 'hello?'. Rosa stood up straight, shocked. 
"Hello? Mum, dad?" She asked, her voice a lot more excited than she expected. 
"Sorry, who's speaking?" The voice asked again. Rosa then realised it wasn't her parents. 
"Rosa St James," she mumbled. "I've been trying to call my parents for a few days."
"I'm sorry Rosa, I've just moved into this house. Mr and Mrs St James moved out about two weeks ago." Rosa felt like someone had stabbed her hard, right in the chest. 
"Oh," was the only thing she could say. 
"Did they not tell you?" The woman asked, seemingly worried. 
"No," Rosa replied. "Do you know where they moved to?" 
"I'm afraid I don't. I don't have a number to pass on either. I'm really sorry, dear." 
Rosa sighed and stared at the floor, blinking back her tears. "It's okay. I'll let you go." She put the phone back on its hook and picked up her things. Quitely, feeling like all of the life and excitement had dissipated from her, she headed to her English lesson. 

Taking her seat, she sighed and put her head in her hands. Tobias slid into his seat beside her. 
"What's up with you? You've been really happy all week," Tobias said, mimicking Rosa's actions. Rosa didn't feel like telling him about her parents. She didn't want anyone to know she'd been abandoned. "Why have you been so happy all week?" Tobias laughed. That made Rosa smile, thinking about Chloe's promise again. 
"I have a date," she mumbled, sitting up. 
Tobias's eyes grew wide. "When? Why? With whom?" 
Rosa giggled. "It's not confirmed when yet but it's with a very special person," she smirked. 
"Is it someone stupid?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Stupid is not the right word." She said, shaking her head. 
"I bet it's like," he thought for a moment and then his face grew shocked. He turned to her. "Is it with Mistress Colombo?" Rosa's face instantly gave away the answer, pure shock at his ability to guess correctly. 
"Rosa!" He exclaimed. Heads turned to them. 
"Shut up," Rosa groaned, hitting him on the arm slightly. Professor Celly walked in and silence fell upon the room. 

Rosa felt worried in her, what was Tobias thinking? 
"Do you really like her? You know, like that?" He asked quietly, leaning over. Rosa blushed but nodded, she did. He sighed and turned back to his work. When Professor Celly set them off on the task, he allowed the class to talk. 
"Do you think it will work?" Tobias asked Rosa. She shrugged, not sure. 
"Rosa you're being ridiculous if you think it will." He said to her, sniggering. She glared at him. 
"I'm serious. You've actually fallen for someone who will never like you back," he laughed. 
"What does that mean?" 
"That means you're reaching for someone to love you when it isn't going to work. You're being so silly." 
"Tobias, that's mean," Rosa whispered, looking at him, feeling like she was balancing on the edge of a cliff, about to fall straight into the ice-cold water. 
"Rosa, I'm just trying to help. She isn't going to like you back, I don't know why you like her in the first place. Just get over yourself." He muttered. Rosa turned away from him, feeling hot tears in her eyes. "Go cry about it, then," he shrugged, laughing slightly. She left her things and walked out of the classroom. First her parents, now Tobias. Who would she have left, soon? No one, most likely. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───

Looking through her files, Chloe sighed. She had lost more money this month than she had lost in years and she felt awful about her achievements. Her capos were completely useless and she had no idea how to sort them out. She was still working on her father's mission and had been texting Deigo regularly but it wasn't enough. She needed new people, new plans, and new training. 

She sat back in her chair and looked out of the window. She sighed, seeing kids out there enjoying themselves. She wished life what still that easy, that simple. She wished she was able to just enjoy life the way she used to. She always took her freedoms for granted. She could see part of the lake from where she sat and she smiled, thinking about the times she's sneaked down there to relax. She thought of Rosa then, knowing the girl liked that spot too. 

Chloe had hardly seen Rosa all week. She'd been on her best behaviour. She'd seen her at night time when checking her report card and she knew that she only had one more day to get the three A's then she'd have to face the coffee date at Roderigo's. Chloe found it almost comically ironic that that was where Rosa wanted to go. However, she knew for a fact that she would not get away with going without her father finding out. She honestly had no idea what to do. 
"Please check your emails immediately," said her intercom from the front office. Chloe sighed, spun on her chair and looked at her emails. Surprisingly, or not, Rosa was missing from her lessons. Chloe sighed, picked up her jacket and headed out of her office. She told her secretary she was off to find Rosa and headed straight out of the school. 

She assumed, well, she was drawn straight towards the lake. Something in her knew she'd find the young girl there. Rightly so, at the other side of the lake, she spotted Rosa hunched over, under the tree, hugging her legs. She didn't say anything, just headed around. Silently, she took a seat beside Rosa and almost instantly, despite Rosa's obvious agitation, she felt more at peace in her presence. 
"That was like, record time," Rosa sighed after a few moments of silence. 
"In what way?"
"I left the class not even ten minutes ago and you're already here to drag me straight back," she mumbled. 
"I'm not going to drag you anywhere. It's quite nice out here," Chloe replied. She stared out at the water, following Rosa's gaze. You could see the reflection of the bright blue skies and clouds in the glistening water and there was something so calming about it- surreal. 
"What's the procedure if a child is abandoned here by their parents?" Rosa suddenly asked. Chloe's head turned around and looked at her, a confused expression on her face. "Not that - not that I have," Rosa added, stuttering over her words. "I'm just wondering." 
Chloe examined her features and sighed softly. She could see the bags under the girl's eyes, the way her mouth was turned down at the corners and as she continued to stare, she saw the tears forming in her eyes. 
"Love," she whispered, putting some hair behind Rosa's ear. Softly, she brushed her fingertips along her cheek and Rosa let out a shaky breath. She turned to Chloe and their eyes met. 
"What's the procedure?" Rosa asked, not letting her eyes leave Chloe's. 
"We'll keep you here, support you, help you find a house and a stable job as soon as you're old enough. We won't leave your side," Chloe replied. Rosa nodded softly and lowered her head. 
"Thank you." Almost as soon as the words left her mouth, she collapsed into sobs. Her shoulders shook but Chloe brought her close to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her back and cupped her head in her hand. She rested the girl's head on her chest and caressed her back. Feeling Rosa shake and cry in her arms was an impossible pain. 

Around ten minutes later, Rosa's cries had settled to little, occasional sniffles and she was sat up a little more in Chloe's arms. Chloe could feel Rosa's fingertips, tracing up and down her bare arm, along her wrist. Chloe knew, without looking, that she was looking at her scars. 
"Are you a ninja?" Rosa asked, sitting up. Chloe couldn't help but smile widely. 
"Not quite," she replied. 
Rosa stared at Chloe for a few more seconds, taking in her face and Chloe was paranoid that her covered bruises were visible. 
"You have a whole secret life," Rosa mumbled, almost quizzically. 
"Maybe I do," Chloe chuckled, shrugging. 
"I want to know about it." 
"Not yet." 

Chloe walked Rosa back up to her bedroom after that, dismissing her from her afternoon lessons and letting her know to get some rest. 
"Do you want to come in for a minute?" Rosa asked, holding open the door. Chloe looked in the bedroom and thought about it. However, she could see how tired Rosa was, emotionally and physically and knew she'd have to get back to Emilia and her office as soon as possible. 
"Not today love, you get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully with three A's on that report card," she smiled and stepped back from the door. Before she could leave too far, Rosa wrapped her arms around Chloe's waist, holding her tight. Chloe hugged her back, taking in the scent of her apple shampoo. 

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