The Beginning of The End

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Getting through the portal, the two boys found themselves in their old shelter, the first place they had builded together. Even though it was ruined, it felt good seeing it again.

- Why are y'all here? - Kise asked

- Long story, I'll tell you later. - Akashi answered him, watching how the portal closed behind them.

- What the fuck happened to you!?

Kuroko rushed to Aomine and touched his forehead. He freaked out when he saw how bad the bluenette looked.

- You are coming with me.

He grabbed his hand and pulled him to the side, digging into his potions.

- Kise, let's talk. - Akashi said.

The blonde nodded. They got away from the others and sat on the beach.

- Tell me everything that happened.

Kise did as he was asked. Akashi's eyes widened when he heard they saw a demon.

- Demons are the worst thing you can encounter on this island, I'm surpeised you made it alive.

- What do you know about them?

- Demons are benefitial for the island, but not to the living creatures on it. They keep it together, preventing it from sinking. Despite this, they are evil as fuck. They want to be the only ones in here, they hate everything. Anrokuzan pushed them away on the cufs, because he hated them.

- Why didn't you tell us erlier?

- Because we, as the Chosen ones can't enter the cufs, that's what I knew. Unfortunatelly, none of my predictions showed me that portals existed.

Kise was a bit taken aback. How many other things Akashi knew about this place which they didn't?

- How did you get in this shelter?

- We tried to open the portal to save you, but instead, the first try resulted here. Murasakibara was thinking about his cards. I'm not mad at him tho, I missed this place... and there are no ghosts.

They were silent for a little, listening to the ocean's waves going back and forth.

- Akashi... are you always honest with us?

The redhead didn't expect this quetion, especially from Kise.

- Yes, I am.

- I hope so, because you really are my friend, Akashicchi, I don't like losing people I love.

Akashi didn't answer, he stared at him for a little, then asked him if he wanted to get back.
Returning to the others, Kise started looking for Aomine. He saw him with Kuroko, sitting on a big log.

- You better?

- I think so...

Kise gave him a kiss on the forehead. He finally felt relief, seeing his boyfriend feel good again.

- You should start priozitizing yourself more often, Aomine- kun, I'm sick of healing you all the time. You are like my guinea pig. - Kuroko scolded him.

Kise felt so bad. He was the main reason Aomine ended up in this condition. But, considering the things he told him, the bluenette never prioritized himself his whole life. Kise still couldn't shake off from his story. His heart ached for him. Aomine was the last person who deserved a destiny like this.

- I'm okay, Kise, stop looking at me like I'm on my death bed.

The blonde missed this attitude. He smiled, hearing Aomine talk like this.

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