The Division

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Kagami was stroking the sleeping bluenette's hair. He, like everyone else, was blown away by Kuroko's words. Words which made sense, but in the same time- didn't. He didn't know if he said this in his anger or Akashi was truly enchanting them to follow him. Being the last Chosen one was making it hard for him to solve this question. He heard a noise and turned around. Aomine and Kise were heading outside the cave.

- Where are you going?

- You don't need to know. - Aomine said and walked away.

Kise stayed behind.

- To take him back. We can't afford to be separeted especially in a time like this.

Before Kagami could say anything, Kise got outside and cathed up with the dark bluenette.

Aomine thought a lot. He absolutely loved Kuroko, but he couldn't agree with him about this. As everyone knew perfectly, his stone was "the feel". Even though his energy sensors were way weaker than Akashi's, he was feeling uneasy too. He was having chills flowing through his body since he saw that fire. It was a feeling he had never felt before. Akashi was constantly detecting energies. He was used to it, that's why he was able to react this quick. Aomine needed a bit more time to realize that he had intercepted a strange type of energy. That's why he couldn't oppose Kuroko when he had to.
Aomine thought that being "the sight" holder was a total nightmare. Future events crawling on your dreams, being extra sensitive to people's energies, being constantly bombarded with any kind of information surrounding you and beyond. It was the first time for Aomine to feel such a strong energy, such a strong evil presence and he surely hated it. He couldn't be sure if Akashi was manipulating them to obey him, but he was certainly sure now that he didn't lie and didn't leave Riko on purpose.
As soon as he left the cave, he started feeling it more. It was like there was something inside of him that didn't belong in there.

- You okay, Aominecchi?

Aomime looked at his lover. He regreted that he brought Kise into this. What if something happened to him? He caught the blonde's hand and sqeezed it tight.

- Stay close to me, Kise.

Kise wasn't gifted to detect energies, recognize auras and any other stuff like that. For him, It was just a normal looking night, but Aomine's face  expression was telling him quite the opposite. What the fuck was this thing? How powerful it was to even scare Akashi? How much evil energy it had for Aomine to feel it?
The more they walked away from the cave, the more intense the energy was, but before their eyes was blank. There was nothing except the normal looking trees and bushes. Was it invisible? Was it near or far away? Aomine shivered. The dredful feeling was making him want to vomit.

-Aominecchi, look!

Kise saw a strange red light not too far away from them. When they got closer, they recognized the source of it. Akashi was sitting on the ground, his face burried in his knees. The red light was surrounding him like a shield. Aomine rushed to him and caught his shoulders.

- Akashi! Are you okay!?

The red haired raised his head slowly. His face was paler than usual.

- Aomine?

When he saw the bluenette, his eyes widened.

- Why are you here!? You shouldn't have come!

- To bring you back.

- No! They are everywhere! You are not safe!

Akashi looked around in fear. Aomine and Kise were watching him clueless. What was everywhere? Kise couldn't imagine a thing that was able to scare Akashi that much. He got enough. He got closer to the two boys and surrounded them with ice, making a little icy shelter. Now, he hoped that they were alone.
The light which was coming from Akashi almost faded away. He was exhausted from keeping it up for so long. Kise kneeled down as well. He looked at Akashi, who was almost unrecognizable for him right now. Aomine was still holding his trembling shoulders.
A tear rolled down Akashi's face, a thing that the other two never expected to see.

- Akashi...

- Aomine, have you felt them?

Akashi's shaky voice broke the bluenette's heart. Even though he considered him a freak, he couldn't stay indifferent right now.

- I did.

- Did you realize what are they?

Aomine shook his head in denial.

- Human souls.

- Human souls?

- Yes. In other words, ghosts. They have the ability to kill people the way they died themselves. These, in general, died from someone who sucked their soul. I guess we all know who that is.

- Momoi...

- But something isn't right. From what I learned, ghosts don't attack if not provoked, they are not aggressive. Something is making them do it.

Kise shivered. The idea of his soul being sucked by a ghost was more than terrifying.

- Apparently, not every soul that Momoi sucked is kept within herself. She just killed them for no reason and now they are wandering around the island... and someone uses them against us.

Akashi paused for a little. He lowered down and spit some blood.

- Akashi!

Aomine rushed to help him, but Akashi stopped him.

- Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

- Did they harm you?

- They tried to suck my soul, but I concentrated my energy to repel them. I guess it takes a toll on my body.

- Stop it, Akashicchi, we'll manage to get back without it.

- No! I don't know how you came here alive, but the luck won't save you a second time!

- Are there any now?

Akashi looked around. He didn't feel anything. They weren't here. What happened?

- There aren't...

- Great! That's our chance to escape, isn't it?

- Yes, but... I don't get it.

- What is it?

- To get information, I let one of them suck my soul halfway, that's how I learned everything I told you.

Akashi paused for a moment to think. When he was digging through the ghost's mind, he didn't find anything else that repels them rather than concentrated energy. Was Kise's ice doing it as well?

- Okay, we can try something, I have a plan.


- How are you, Kuroko?

Kuroko just woke up. He lifted himself slowly, still too weak for any kind of movement. Kagami was sitting beside him, watching him with worried eyes. Murasakibara and Midorima were discussing something at the back of the cave. He couldn't spot Aomine and Kise anywhere. Kuroko needed some time to remember what happened and why was he here. When he did, he jumped straight.

- Where are Aomine and Kise!?

- Kuroko, you shouldn't—

- Tell me!

The bluenette's raised voice made everyone go silent. They didn't know what to tell him.

- They went to chase Akashi, right?

Kagami lowered his head. Whatever he said, he wouldn't be able to hide it.

- Of course they did...

Kuroko sat back down. The memory of Riko's death hit him like a bullet. She died in vain. He didn't even know if she could have been saved. The sadness and the anger within him couldn't give him peace. His tears strated rolling down his face. Kagami hugged him tight, gently stroking his back. Kuroko was too kind, too sensitive. He was the last person who deserved to suffer, but he was never going to be the same after this. The hatred he built for Akashi was something he didn't know he was capable of. He didn't believe a single thing this stupid redhead was saying.

- I'm going back at Riko's house.

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