Really? A shovel?

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Thomas's Pov:
The whole team was gathered. Minho had been able to enlist the help of Frypan, Zart and Winston to help them find the dead griever. Thomas would be lying if he said he didn't feel epic in that moment as the group ran towards the maze. All the runners had quit that morning joining the other roles leaving Minho short on helpers. Thomas thought (Y/n) had quit or been forced out by Gally due to her lack of appearance.

As they approached the giant doors Minho stopped the group before they entered. Snapping back into focused the boy saw why the group had been halted. Standing in front of them propped against the wall, stood the (h/c) girl. Her (e/c) were looking fiery as she glared at them. He'd never seen this look on her before and he never wanted to see it again. Even a grievers legs would tremble from her gaze. She shoved herself off the wall and took the few steps she needed to reach the group.

"Forgetting a runner Minho?"

Oh that was not good. He thought she quit though?

"(Y/n) didn't you quit?"

"Why the hell would I quit Thomas?"

"You just weren't here so I—"

"Minho forgot to give me a heads up on what you lot were doing."

Ah. That explained a lot. Thomas was bracing for an argument now. The two were as stubborn as tree roots. Neither one of them was going to budge anytime soon.

"It's not safe out there ok? I'm trying to keep you out of harms way."

"Our entire job revolves around being in harms way Minho. You're just going to have to suck it up."

The runner proceeded to walk into the maze leaving the group standing behind waiting for Minho's orders. She didn't look like she was going to turn around.

"(Y/n) you're not coming get back here."

"What was that Minho? Couldn't hear you."

She very clearly could.

"Don't you keep walking. I'll make Newt throw you in the pit if I have to!"

"Say it a little louder I don't think the grievers heard you."

Before she turned the corner at the end of the passageway she gave a smartass wave before disappearing. With that Minho let out a huff and ran after her. Fry, Winston, Zart and Thomas all looked at each other and shrugged following after the two runners.

(Y/n's) Pov:
She ran ahead of the others since she could run faster and helped guide them back to the griever. Occasionally she heard the 3 volunteers stop and take a quick break. They weren't used to so much running. She encountered a familiar corner and she came to a sudden stop in front of the group. Minho couldn't stop in time and collided with her back almost pushing her over. (Y/n) let out an oomph and flailed her arms to steady herself. Once the girl regained her balance she walked down the corridor towards the metal legs protruding from the wall. It was less horrifying to look at in the light but no less terrifying. (Y/n) wondered how the others would react when it came to their first glimpse of a griever.

The two runners walked together towards the protruding metal leg of the squished creature. As they got closer the girl could see in detail the splattered guts and liquids all over the floor and walls. She almost gagged at the foul sight.

"That's disgusting."

"Try smelling its breath."

Zart made a face at her comment and hugged his shovel closer. (Y/n) noticed and let out a chuckle.

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