The Runners

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(Y/n's) Pov:

She stood in place waiting for the boys to reach her. (Y/n) hated sitting around in the glade all day. She'd much rather run the day away with the sour air of the maze filling her lungs. Running with the haunting silence. Running with Minho. (Y/n) sauntered towards the approaching boys a lopsided grin making it's way onto her face.

"Well, how much fun did you have without me?"

"You know we wouldn't dare have fun without you (Y/n)."

"Correct answer Ben"

Minho let out a breathy laugh as he stopped running before the (h/c) girl. The two clasped arms in greeting and Ben gave a quick nod of the head. The runners always showed respect towards (Y/n), whether they were greenies or the keeper himself. Ben and Minho started jogging again moving further into the glade accompanied now by their friend.

Thomas's Pov:

Chuck's words of caution fell on deaf ears as Thomas stared after the girl. Alby wasn't wrong when he said she was intriguing but he seemed to have misjudged how quickly the boys lost their fascination with her. What was it about her that was so alluring?

"... they're different they're runners, they know more about the maze than anyone."

Thomas turned his head so fast he could've sworn he got whiplash. Maybe he should've been paying attention to the curly haired boy.

"W-wait what?"


"What? You just said maze..."

Thomas could see the dread clear as daylight all over Chuck's face.

"Wh—I-I-I did?"

With all the sass he could muster he breathed out a "Yeah"

Both boys turned their heads towards the maze. That was it, Thomas was going to get answers whether the people in the glade liked it or not. With purpose in his stride he marched towards the doors to the maze.

"Where are you going? What are you doing?!"

"'I'm just gonna take a look."

Ignoring the stressed out boy desperately trying to change his course Thomas continued his approach to the beckoning wall. The small, clammy hand of the boy pushed his arm back to dissuade the reckless teenager.

"I told you we can't. No one leaves... especially not now"

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

"It's not safe..."

"Ok I'm not going to go in"

Thomas could be a good liar if need be. But he completely ignored how obvious his lie was if he continued walking forwards. The inside of the maze was calling him. He became a puppet on strings no longer in control of his own body. The inside grew closer and closer and there was nothing and no one else beyond the concrete and ivy. Thomas was in a trance of curiosity fuelled by the unwelcome desire to enter the death trap.


Thomas felt a fleshy wall of concrete ram into his side smashing him into the dirt. Eating dirt twice in one day was a pitiful sight Thomas imagined. He coughed and spluttered as the air in his lungs swiftly departed his body.

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