96|something borrowed and something discovered

Start from the beginning

   "Remember at Eichen House, when that guy approached you?"  Stiles asked, earning a slow nod from Beck.  "I had Dad check the guy out.  His name... his name is Luka Narrah.  He's been a patient at Eichen for the last twelve years." 

   "So?"  Beck muttered, shaking her head.  "What does this have to do with me?" 

   "Dad had found Luka in the woods fifteen years ago.  Around the same time Talia found you.  He was looking for his little sister."  Stiles continued, trying to explain this as gently as he could.  "Her name was Adalind.  The same name Luka was calling you." 

   "And the same as your middle name," Scott offered. 

   Beck's eyes slowly traveled away from the juniors as she thought, remembering the memories that were shared with her that day.  Luka hiding his little sister Adalind and Talia finding the baby minutes later.

   "Am I..." Beck whispered, looking up at Scott and Stiles. 

   They both nodded, Stiles releasing a breath as he spoke.  "You're Adalind Narrah.  That means Luka's your biological brother and a warlock." 

   "I was on the Deadpool the whole time," she gasped, looking back at the list.  "I'm worth twenty-five million dollars." 

   "Yeah, and..." Scott started, looking at Stiles who shook his head viciously.  But they had to tell her.  No more secrets, they had promised Beck that.  "We found out why Drew was killed."  Eyes widening, Beck looked up at Scott as he continued.  "They were never after him, Beck.  He was never on the Deadpool.  But you were." 

   "What do you mean?"  Beck asked, already feeling tears building in her eyes.  She knew exactly what he was talking about, she just didn't want to believe it. 

   "Beck, the assassins were trying to kill you.  Trying to poison you for the twenty-five million.  But Drew was killed instead.  Drew's death... it was an accident." 

   Beck choked out a sob as she covered her mouth.  "It was my fault?"  The small blonde whimpered, shaking her head as she looked up at Scott and Stiles.  "It was my fault Drew died?" 

   "Beck, we're so sorry we didn't tell you," Stiles said as his foster sister began to cry.  "We didn't wanna upset you." 

   "And is this any better?"  Beck screamed.  "You promised.  You two promised you wouldn't keep secrets from me.  You promised me."  Releasing a sob, Beck pressed her hands to the sides of her head as her body trembled.  "Why?  Why do you two have to keep so many secrets?" 

   "Beck, we're-"

   "No, you're not!"  Beck sobbed.  "You're not.  It's the fact that you feel sorry that you know you did something wrong.  Drew's dead and it was my fault and you kept that from me." 

   "Beck, Drew's death wasn't your fault," Scott argued with a shake of his head. 

   "Yes, it is," Beck hissed, tears trailing down her cheeks.  "I was on the list.  I was the one the assassins were after.  God, it was probably that Goddamn brownie Violet gave me.  And I let him eat it!  It's all my fault, Scott.  It's my fault he died!" 

   "Beck," Scott whispered, reaching out to pull Beck close. 

   But Beck slapped his hands away, sending a small shock through the contact.  "Don't touch me!  You both knew the truth but you didn't tell me.  You said nothing!" 

   "We get it, okay?  We lied to you.  We kept this from you.  But we knew what would happen when you would find out.  We were just trying to protect you." 

   "Then stop!"  Beck screamed, pulling at her hair.  "Stop treating me like a china doll.  Stop acting like everything could set me off, trying to tiptoe around me, trying to make everything okay for my benefit.  Stop watching me like at any moment I'll go off like a bomb.  Don't you think I hate this feeling?  I can't control it!!  I can't.  I'm not like you guys.  I'm different.  I'm trying to keep everything in, but it's so tiring and I can't control it!" 

   "Then don't," Stiles said.  Beck looked up at him with wide eyes as Scott continued to approach the witch slowly.  "Beck, you can't keep everything bottled up like this.  You have to let it go." 

   "I-I-I-I can't," Beck whispered just as Scott pulled her into his chest.  Gasping, the small blonde tried to push him away, but he had a tight grip on the girl. 

   "It's okay Beck," Scott whispered.  "Just let go." 

   Fisting his shirt in her hands, Beck began to cry again before shutting her eyes.  That's when she screamed.  Everything that had been building inside the blonde since Mexico was released.  The stress, the anger, the worry, the pain, the sadness, the grief.  All the power that seemed to be building inside the small blonde.

   Releasing a roar, Scott clenched at the surge of energy ripping through his body.  But he never let Beck go. 

   Soon Beck's scream came out as a choked sob.  The surge died down, allowing Scott to relax with struggling breaths.  Beck released Scott's shirt before wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest as she continued to cry. 

   "It's okay," Scott whispered between breaths.  "It wasn't your fault.  Nothing was your fault." 

   Watching the two, Stiles pulled out his phone.  "I'll call Derek," he whispered, earning a nod of agreement from Scott.  As he turned to the door, Stiles added under his breath.  "And get some air freshener.  It smells like burnt hair in here now."

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