The Very Beginning

Start from the beginning

I clenched my jaw and sighed as I stood up from my seat and fixed my suit, "I don't think so,".

"Excuse me?" He snapped.

I walked around the desk and leaned against the front, "You heard me, don't handle this one. I will,".

He snatched the cigarette from his mouth, "This is my business, I'll handle whichever case I want. If it weren't for me you wouldn't be here, I was the one who let you in on this shit, ".

I tossed my head back, narrowing my bored eyes at him as I raised my eyebrow, "Are you done?".

He clenched his jaw and puckered his nasty lips.

"I'll have you know, without me your business would have crippled years ago. I am the very life support of this organization therefore this is my business, you are only the image. Sure you can do whatever you want but at the end of the day I make the decisions," I explained to him, watching his furious face in entertainment.

"Mr. Callow, let me remind you that this client," I said as I grabbed the files and waved it in his face, "Works in my club. If something were to happen at my club, that wouldn't be good would it? I wouldn't be very happy with you,".

I tilted my head down placing my hands in my pockets pinning him down with my menacing leer, he was trying to fight me back and behind his own furious eyes was a glaze of fear. I smiled and sighed. Callow looked away and puffed on the cigarette anxiously.

I stepped forward, grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth, walked back behind my desk and sat down, "I hope you understand what I'm saying. Don't mess around with my things. Yeah?".

He pursed his lips in a frown, clenched his hands around the arms of the chair and pushed himself up.

"Please don't smoke in the building anymore, Mr. Callow," I smiled.

"Of course, Mr. Knight," He pushed through his grinded teeth.

He turned around, stomping his way out. I rolled my eyes and stared at the file before I finally reached out to grab it. Suriah, interesting. She's pretty. It wouldn't be bad to handle this myself anyways since I haven't done this in a while. Besides I know Callow would fuck up my image doing his "cleaning" the way he does. I sighed and tossed the file down. I clicked the button that reached my assistant.

He came in instantly, "Yes Mr. Knight?".

"Find her in the system and let me know what you find," I instructed as I extended the file out.

"Yes Mr. Knight,".

"Oh!" I called before he left, "Get me her schedule too,".

"Of course," He answered.


The day went on regularly, I completed most of what I was supposed to do but of course the other business partners of mine loved to talk on and on about the most useless topics causing me to have to rearrange my schedule all the time. I can't say anything about it, that's a no-no. Unfortunately. I thought of the laundering case every once in a while, debating how I should handle it.

Torture. They'll try to bribe. And since she has no idea she's in this situation, she'll say she doesn't understand. I'll tell her the deal, the debt amount, what she can do and what will happen if she doesn't pay up within the weeks she has. Maybe a little violence to spice it up.

I put my suit jacket on as I was getting ready to leave the office around 9:47. Just before I was about to leave, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I called as I turned around.

My assistant walked in with papers in his hands.

"This is what we were able to find about Ms. Moon, and here is her schedule at the Midnight club," He explained to me as he handed me the original file and a new one.

"Great, that's it for tonight,".

"Goodnight Mr. Knight,".

I opened the newer file and scanned through it basically filled with things I know other than the fact that her manager used to work at my company 6 and a half years ago, he was fired for...embezzlement. Of course. Her address, bank statements and records, basically anything behind her name and her schedule. She works every night unless she calls in. 8PM - 2AM. I looked down at my watch.
I have time.

Instead of going back to my place, I went to Midnight. One of my most successful clubs that I own. Several dealings and partying happened there, it was the hotspot of clubs. Best of the best. But I never actually went there often.
The driver pulled to the entrance of the club, I exited and made my way forward.

"Good evening Mr. Knight," The security greeted, letting me past the large line.

I nodded my head at them and entered. It was bustling, packing and loud with more than hundreds of people everywhere. There was no corner of the club that wasn't filled. Oh wow, I knew it did good but not this good. There was no sign of this Suriah as I looked around and after a minute of observing I made my way to the bar on the Blue Clover floor.

I waited for a moment but my wandering eyes caught a glimpse of someone that looked similar to Suriah but they turned around and was clearly not her. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, tilting my head down.

"I am so sorry for having you wait a while, I didn't see you over here!" Someone slightly laughed.

I lifted my head and locked eyes with them. Long black hair with bangs, round dark brown eyes, fairly pale skin, wearing all black with a smile plastered on her face. This was Suriah Moon. A bright smile, shining eyes filled to the brim with a glow unseen before.
She stared at me longer than usual, she shook her head and smiled again.

"How are you tonight?" She asked.

I sighed and let my hands drop to the counter, "Same old,".

"I'm guessing not bad then," She chuckled, "Sorry again for the wait,".

My lips curled into a small grin, "It's alright,".

"Well then, what can I get for you?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.


I stared at her, observing her. I did every single night. She would get surprised when she saw me, clearly thinking this wasn't a coincidence because it wasn't. My intentions of throwing her out like trash as time moved on, she became addictive. Like nicotine. I had to have a dose of her everyday or else it felt different and I didn't like different. I wanted things my way.

Suriah Moon became my very drug.

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