11- Class Pt.2

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Y/n Pov:

I was late for my first class. Great!
I think I won the price of the student of the year. For real....

Where it is. I need to find it quick!

It's been 5 minutes already since the bell rang to announce that the first period was starting.  I guess I got a bit lost and distracted after I saw the Callun...is that their names? Anyways I kept thinking about that short hair girl that looked at me. Why was she looking at me exactly and why not someone else. It's surely because I'm new here and she never saw me before...righ?t!

Ok Y/n, go back to the present please. You still need to find your math class.

I look at my paper to see again what was my class number.

CLASS: G-201

Ok . Class g-199, class g-200 and finally class g-201.

I look around me to remember where the class was and saw that it was directly behind the corridor that leads to where I was talking to Lya before.

Omg...I guess stupid me!

I quickly go knock at the door to not be more late than I was already and look at my watch. I miss the first 8 minutes.
It's not that bad...right? I just need to wish that the teacher will be understanding and not mad! That's all!

I checked my clothes to be sure that it will do a great first impression when the door infront of me suddently open revealing a grumpy, grey hair and mustache, in his sixty teacher.

"WHO ARE YOU" was the first thing he said to me.

Wow! That's a really great way to start the day!

"Well hi! My name is Y/n M/n L/n [your name, middle name, last name] and I am new here. I was told to com-" He suddently cut me off by closing the door in my face.

Who the hell does he think he is?! Closing the door in front of my face when I'm trying to introduce myself!

I knock a second time at the door and didn't wait for him to come back and open it for me and push the door wide open to reveal myself to the class.

"Ok first of all why were you being so rude to me when I was just trying introduce myself to you and second of all, why didin't you let me enter. " I said looking at the faces of every students present in the class and that were looking at me speechless and somewhat...impressed.

Unknown Pov:

Wow! Who is this girl. She is looking so badass reentering the class and confront the teacher on what he did. Nobody in his 30 years of teaching never said something back to him. Teach him right! One reason was because they were so scared of him or reason two they didn't want to be the new target of the devil teacher.

Yes you read correctly, I the devil teacher.

Who ever she is, she does have my respect.

Back to Y/n Pov:

After a good five seconds, I look at the teacher to see if I will get some reactions from the teacher, but I guess not.

I look around the classroom to see where I could possibly sit when I saw that the only available place was near the widow, between the blonde hair goddess and the big short brown hair guy that I saw earlier in the hall.

I don't wait for the teacher approval and move to go at my new desk. I put all of my things on my desk and some under it.

I was in my own world when I suddently decided to look up from my things just to realize that now everybody is looking directly at me.

"What? Do you guys want a photo or something? " I asked suddently aware of all the attention I was getting.

Everybody look somewhere else after what I said and I don't know if it was my imagination or something, but I think I caught them...blushing?

The teacher's face was red like a tomato, but I guess it's because of anger, not like the other students.

Finally let's not talk about the two beside me. The king and the queen [Rosalie & Emmett] were in like a ...... loving...... daze/mood? They were doing a lovesick face when they were looking at me.


Why does everybody except Lyanne & the mad teacher seems weird around me already.

I know that sometimes I can be weird myself , but not that much!

No one's Pov:

During the rest of the class, Y/n kept her head down to avoid other situations like the one at the start of the class.

The teacher finally started his boring class 2 minutes after Y/n interruption.

Most of the students sleep like always.

Lastly, two lovesick looking puppies were looking at the tired girl  in between them with such a crazy and possessive gaze that terrified the people that dare to look their way.

The both of them had the same thought running though their heads.

It was.....

She is Ours!

To be continued ...
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I appologise in advanced if you find any kind of mistakes.

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I wish you guys will have a great day or night!


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