97. Can't Live Without You

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The same day I packed the main things for Grace and me and I went to my apartment. I knew he would look for me and he was bothering me almost the whole days past a week. Just when I opened my apartment doors about to go to grocery with Grace, I faced Ben in front of doors. I tried to close doors, but he didn't let me.

"We have to talk; you have to listen to me Ela" he said

"Hey baby, I missed you so much" he said to Grace kissing her forehead and that was something I couldn't take from him, I can't influence on his relationship with his daughter because of something that happened between us

"Where are your rings?" he asked looking at me disappointed but there is only one person to be disappointed and that is me

"I don't have time for you, please go" I said but he just took phone from his pocket calling someone and telling to come to my apartment

Couple of minutes later, we were still standing on doorstep, him talking to Grace and me feeling totally uncomfortable.

"hey" I heard Sophia, and I rolled my eyes, the last person I needed to be here with her curiosity

"Please take care of Grace, I'll call you when we finish" he said giving Grace to Sophia and without a word she left "please" he said showing me to step back so he can fully enter my apartment closing doors behind him

I was totally mad and filled with mixed emotions that I didn't know what to do.

"I don't believe her, and I can't lose the most important girls in my life" he said

"I'm unexplainable sorry for everything, I know you won't forgive me cheating or even worse if I am a father of her child, but I want you to know that I totally wasn't my sense, I was at party with old friends but one of them brought her and she didn't want to get away from me. I talked with them after you left, and they said she put something in my drink. I was so mad at them for not telling me right away and putting me in this situation. They are not real friends, and I really don't want anything with them anymore. I just need you to believe me, I can't lose you" he said, and his voice broke causing me to look at him

He was staring at his hands as few tears rolled down his cheek.

"I know I fucked up, I know I lost your confidence but I can't lose you because if I do......I don't know what I'm going to do....I know you will take Grace away from me and you have all right to do that but I won't be supposed to live without you two" he said as my heart was breaking by every word he was saying

I'm so easy to give up to him but that's only because I love him, he lost my confidence, that's true, but I also know if I forgive him that he will work hard to get it all back.

He is the love of my life and even he hurt me like this I still can't imagine my life without him and no matter how hard it would be to work on our confidence again I can't let him go, if won't love him as much as I do I will do this exactly the same thing because of Grace, for her to have her father beside her and to grow up with him beside her because I know how hard it was for me to live since my teenage years without parents.

"You will have to work much harder for my confidence than you work for being in first XI and for being called up for national team" I said, and he looked at me

"Are you serious?" he asked, and I nodded hugging him tightly

"We promised each other we will go through everything together and that's what we're going to do with this situation" I said cupping his face

"You hurt me, and I will need time to start to fully believe you again and I don't know how long it is going to take but I can't lose you as a friend, as a husband and the most important as a father of my kid" I said and left my first tear

"Come back home, please, Oscar is so nervous and frustrated and it just making me even more frustrated with this situation" he said, and I smiled lightly causing small smile to appear on his lips

"You have to know that we won't sleep in the same bed" I said, and he looked at me sadly but nodded

"okay" he said

"I will call Sophia to bring Grace home" he said, and I went to my room pack Grace's and my stuffs.

PHYSIOTHERAPIST [B.C.] ~ ©️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang