45. Cable Car And Quad Bikes

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Santorini, the most expensive 2 weeks in my life, can start. Those two surprises that Ben had for me in Dubrovnik I really didn't expect.


Here we about to get into cable car and go to the top of Dubrovnik and I am more than excited.

"Are you excited?" Ben asked taking my hand in his

"yes" I said smiling squeezing his hand

Cable car was slowly going up as the view on city was more and more beautiful as huge smile was on my face.

"it's so beautiful" I said to Ben while taking picture of the view

As we were getting closer to the top of hill you could clearly see the whole city.

"carefully" Ben said giving me hand to step out of cable car

"What a gentleman" I said smiling

"Only for my girl" he winked at me

End of flashback

We spend about an hour walking around hill and then we got back down to the city.

Three days ago, we were on Dubrovnik Countryside and Arboretum ATV tour with brunch. Just to say it was the most extreme sport that I've ever try because it was my first time driving quad bike


"Are you kidding me?" I whined

"I'm not kidding" he smiled at me "This one is for you" he said giving me helmet

"Are you crazy?" I asked as he shook his head and put helmet on mine

"You know how to drive it, right?" he asked putting his helmet on his head

"of course you will drive" I said, and he just laughed at me

"You drive this" he said pointing to one of two quads "and I'm driving this one" he said pointing to another one

"Are you completely crazy Ben?" I asked and he just kissed me

"Never babe, let's go" he said sitting on his quad and wait for me to climb on another one

"Long road is waiting for us" he said loud after he turn on the engine of his quad

"Come on, it's not hard, this is accelerator in car" he said showing me handle

"And you have only one speed" he said showing it to me with his feet

"You ready?" he asked as I was looking at quad, I was sitting on really confused

"I never drive something like this" I said, and he just laughed

"Guys of 16 years are driving it" he said

"But I do not drive it" I said once again

"Come on Els, it's much easier than car, if you can drive car and get on with me, than you can do this too" he said and started to drive

After few seconds I took deep breath and started to drive after him. Soon enough I got on with it and it was funny because I was racing with him.

End of flashback

Day by day we do more and more interesting things on these holidays, and I can't wait to see what he has planned for next a month that we are spending in Santorini, two weeks, and Mykonos, two weeks.

"Earth to Manuela Cooper soon Chilwell" I heard Ben saying what caused me to look at him completely confused "I'm sorry I needed to get you back from your thoughts somehow" he said

"But you really need to think about that" he winked at me "And your phone was buzzing for good two minutes but hell I couldn't get you back from your thoughts" he said

"Um.... I-I'm sorry, I was just thinking about past a month" I smiled at him as he stood beside me looking down at sea from our hotel room balcony

"here" he said handing me my phone

"thanks" I kissed him on cheek and unlocked my phone and going to call Daisy because she was the one that called me when I was in my thoughts

"It was Daisy, you could answer it" I said and laid on little couch we had on balcony

"I'm not used to answering on anyone's phone" he said

"I don't have secrets Ben, if you see who is calling me and I'm not supposed to answer at the moment you can pick it up" I told him ringing Daisy

"Just don't mention secrets" he rolled his eyes

"don't act like you didn't like those secrets" I laughed at him just a second before Daisy picked up

"ELS" she screamed

"Hey Dais, how are you doing?" I asked smiling

"I'm good but I miss you" she said "I didn't want to bother you and call you every or every second day, but I couldn't stay still anymore" she said, and my heart melted

"I miss you too" I said

Ben mimicked to me remembering me about our plan.

"Um, Dais" I said trying to find words how to tell her

"yes" she said happily

"I know I said I'll with you for your 8th birthday but.... before I promised you that, Ben already booked everything for our holidays, and he messed dates.... which means we won't be able to come back to England until your birthday" I said

"ou.... okay.... it's okay" she said but I heard by her voice that she is sad and that's the reason why I felt the worst about Ben's and my plan

"I'm sorry, but I swear we will come to you as soon as we get back to England, okay?" I spoke

"okay" she said "I....um...I need to go to lunch, I'll see you soon" she said

"Okay, I'm sorry once again" I said

"Bye, have a nice time with your mister stubborn" she giggled

"I will, see you soon Dais" I said, and she hang up "I hate to lie to her" I said breathing out

"But you don't hate to lie to me" he said raising his eyebrow

"of course, I do, but I didn't lie to you for a long time now" I said

"And better" he said and leaned down to me kissing me before he went back inside our room getting ready for going to lunch at restaurant

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