30. Bad News

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"I hope you feel at least a bit better now" he said, and I lightly smiled at him

"I do" I said, and he smiled back at me

"Can I ask you just one question?" he asked

"yes" I said a bit scared of what he will ask

"Would you like to meet her one day?" he asked, and I knew he meant little me

"I don't even know her name, if they maybe moved from here, but yes, I would like to meet her, nothing of this is her fault and we both have right to know each other, at the end we are sisters" I said

"okay" he said and hugged me leaving kiss on the top of my head

"Okay, what do you want for dinner?" I asked looking at clock, it was almost 6pm

"Um.... nothing" he said and burst into laughter

"Does some of those fried vegetables left? It was so, so delicious" he said, and I got surprised

"You liked them?" I asked

"yeah" he said "and that chicken was also so good" he added surprising me even more, so I just raised my hands up completely shocked

"What?" he asked laughing as I walked to kitchen with my raised hands

"you're surprising me more and more day by day" I said, and he laughed even more

"You still don't know a lot of things about me" he said smirking at me

"Yeah?" I asked smiling at him from the kitchen

"yeah" he said, and I just shook my head smiling as I put vegetables and chicken to warm them up


"everything's going to be fine" I said to him as we were walking through hallway to the office where Ben should have a scan

"We will see now" he said, and I can say he is so nervous, but I am more scared than nervous

"Not good news" doctor said looking first at me and then at Ben

"You need surgery" he said "but don't worry, everything will be fine and soon you'll be back on the pitch" he added and lightly smiled at Ben

"When is it?" Ben asked

"For two days" doctor said

"How long recovery afterwards?" he asked

"We are counting on the most six months, but it depends on how your ligament will be healing and how long you will need to regain strength on that knee" doctor said

"About physiotherapies and everything else you will know after the surgery" doctor said

"Okay, come on boredom" he said to himself and sat up on the bed taking crutches and standing up

"Els" he called me as I was just standing there in my thoughts because of what I just heard

"Um, I'm sorry" I said and walked over doors opening it for him

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Me? Um, yes, I'm okay, are you?" I asked looking at him as we were walking through hallway

"You seem a bit off" he said

"Ben" I warn him because he is changing the subject on me again, but this is about him not me

"I'm okay Els, I had feeling this will happen and I can't do anything about it, I will have surgery for two days and then recovery, I will do anything to my ligament to heal as soon as possible so I can get back on pitch" he said

"You seem a bit off, that's what worry me more than surgery now" he said looking at me

"Watch where you're walking, and I am not off" I said

"Why are you lying Ela? We said no secrets" he said

"I'm just worrying that's it" I said opening car doors for him

"You were the one telling me everything will be okay, what's wrong now? Do you know something I don't?" he asked pulling me by hand as he sat into car

"No Ben, I know just as much as you do and I still know everything will be okay, I just don't want it to hurt you, you didn't deserve it" I said

"You sound like I am a kid" he said

"I love you Ben and I don't want anything to hurt you because it's hurting me to see you like that" I said as he was holding my hands

"I'll be okay" he said "it will hurt me a bit more after surgery, but it will go away soon, and you will have new, fresh boyfriend" he said and smiled at me

"I don't want new boyfriend" I frowned what caused him to laugh as he pulled me down to him so he could kiss me

"let's go" he mumbled

Next two days Ben's house was full of nervousness, this time less from his side and more from mine. I tried to be relaxed and not seem worried while I was with him but when I got just a moment alone, I was exploding of care. I knew that all the doctors that will work on his knee are more than professional and that everything will be okay but something in me didn't let me calm down even if I tried so hard not to worry this much.

"Earth to miss Ela Cooper" Ben said and crackled his fingers in front of my face

"Um, I'm sorry" I said and looked at himself "what were you saying?" I asked

"I said that Mason, Harvey and James will be here in half an hour" he said

"okay" I said

"You know, James....James Maddison... you didn't meet him yet" he said

"Okay Ben" I said and smiled at him

"Something is not okay with you again" he said looking at me seriously

"everything's okay Ben, don't worry" I said smiling at him

"what's on your mind?" he asked

"What?" I asked

"what's on your mind that bothers you again?" he asked

"I just thought how you can cut nervousness in the house" I said

"Again? What have we said? It will be okay Ela" he said holding my hands as he was lying on the couch, and I was sitting beside him

"Come here" he said pulling me into hug

"I'll be like a new man tomorrow" he said stroking my hair and leaving kiss on my cheek

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