81. First Days

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It was a week until my birthday when Grace and I finally got home. Ben's wish to Grace be born on my birthday didn't come true, but he doesn't mind now because he has her beside him earlier.

The only think that worry me is him not sleeping at night. Just like now, it's 2am and he is still awakened to just look at Grace even if there is dark in the room. She was holding his finger as her head was turned to him while he was laying on his hip not taking eyes from her.

"it's 2am" I whispered rolling onto my hip and getting closer to Grace

"I'm not sleepy" he said not looking at me

"Ben" I whispered putting my hand on his cheek

"I know you couldn't wait for this, but you need to sleep" I said, and he looked at me

"She looks so angelic when she's asleep" he said, and I looked down at her

"I know" I said and gently kissed the top of her head

"You have match tomorrow; you need to sleep" I said and right then Grace started crying

She slept for three hours and there is no surprise that she woke up asking for food.

"Try to sleep, please" I said to Ben taking Grace on my chest

About twenty minutes later Grace fell asleep on my chest so I carefully put her back down on the bed between Ben and me. Ben finally fell asleep, and I think there is not a noise that can wake him up now.


"Look baby, daddy is there" I said pointing to TV screen as I was holding her in my hands

I heard bell ringing and I carefully stood up with Grace in my hands walking over front door.

I carefully opened doors making sure I hold my baby right.

"hey" I smiled at Sophia, and she immediately kissed Grace's head gently

"hey" she said and kissed me on the cheek

We went to the living room where TV was on preparation for match.

"how's my niece?" Sophia asked touching Grace's nose lightly after I put her down on couch putting pillows beside her protecting her

"What would you drink?" I asked walking towards kitchen

"Coffee please" she said, and I warmed water to make us both coffee

I'm still taking care of how much caffeine I'm taking through the day but now I'm taking it a bit more than I did through pregnancy because I need to be awake more than I'm used to.

"Look at them, Grace, daddy and uncle Mason are there" Sophia said to Grace as I was walking towards living room with two cups of coffee

"Come on, baby girl, it's time to eat" I said picking her up

Soon after I feed her, she fell asleep in my arms. I slowly put her down on couch beside Sophia and me as we were watching match, but I was every few seconds looking down at my baby.

"Yes, that's it guys, let's go" Sophia said quietly as Kai scored for 1:0 in 78th minute

Ben was playing since the first minute, but he went out in 63rd minute. It was clearly to be seen on his face that he was tired, but you can't against someone as stubborn as he is.

Soon enough as match was finishing Grace woke up again, but this time she didn't ask for milk.

It was 5pm when Ben got home but not alone, Mason was with him.

"Oh, look at this little cutie" Mason said getting closer to me as I was holding Grace

"you're so cute, you know that?" Mason asked Grace even if he knows she will be supposed to properly answer him for about three years

"God Ben, she is the whole you" Mason said and looked at Ben as I just smiled proudly

After our families and closest friends now, his teammate is also telling him that his daughter is the whole him.

"He doesn't believe it even if everyone that came to see Grace already told him the exact same thing" I said

While Mason was being impressed with our little baby girl Ben went upstairs to leave his things from the match and then he got back downstairs going to kitchen and bringing everyone drinks.

"You look so tired" I said as he sat next to me while Mason and Sophia were playing with Grace

"I'm okay" he said and kissed the corner of my lips

"You can take a nap; Grace will fall asleep again soon" I said putting my hand on his cheek

"I'm okay, don't worry" he said and kissed my hand that was on his cheek

I know he is stubborn as heck, but something is weird now and I really need to get it out of him because he can't keep it in himself because I know how hard it was for him to open to me for the first after hiding it everything from everyone.


Mason and Sophia left couple of minutes after Grace fell asleep and I took that moment to try and talk with Ben.

"Ben" I whispered sitting on his side of bed where he was on his phone

"Ben" I called him once again and then he looked at me

"Do you want to talk about anything?" I asked

"No, everything's okay" he said and looked at asleep Grace beside him

"We went through a lot of things so far and I know how hard was for you to open up to me for the first time and I don't want you to go through those things alone again, because now I'm here and you can talk to me about everything not feeling that I will judge you for anything because I won't, I will be beside you and..... I just don't want you keep anything inside of you while you have me" I said holding my tears

PHYSIOTHERAPIST [B.C.] ~ ©️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu