10. We Met Before

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"I'm confused Ben, how do you remember me it past five years how you left school, and I don't remember you?" I asked and he turned to me cupping my face?

"I don't remember how we actually met and whether we hang out, but I will remember because this can't be a coincidence, too much of it connects us" he said looking me straight into eyes, but I got even more confused, whether we hung out, too much of it connects us, this is all so confusing

"I think I'm....um...going home" I said and stood up

"I'll drive you home, it's late" he said

"No Ben, it's 10pm, I have my car and I know how to drive" I said and walked towards doors

"Thanks for great night, see you tomorrow" I said and left his house

Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, Redborne Upper School, two years difference. What if we met before? I'm not that bad that I couldn't remember what happened 5 years ago. I'm not that bad that I couldn't remember someone like him if I met him before.

Yes, the thing is that I didn't pay much attention on what was happening at school because no one liked me, everyone was hating me, I didn't have friends, so it won't be hard for me to remember him if we were friends or something or if I even met him.

But beside everything and how popular he already must to be there is no chance he will still remember me. I also changed too much in past 5 years. I have different hair colour, I have much different style, I have 35 pounds less, he would never be a friend with someone like I was 5 years ago. I was ugly, my face was full of pimples, my body was nothing what someone like him would like, there is no chance he would remember someone like me.

There is no chance he will remember me because I came to school a minute before class started and I left school the same second my last class finished. There is no chance he will remember me because I was always at home, I was never going out only when I need to go library or store.

Did I hate school that much that I totally forgot on someone like Ben?

I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise when I came at my apartment, I just found myself sitting on couch looking into the void.

"Can you come to me as soon as possible? please" I asked Sophia through the phone as I was on the edge trying not to cry

"What happened?" she asked, and I just lean my head back on the couch closing my eyes

"I need to talk with someone and you're the only person I can talk about this" I said, and I heard her giggling

"I didn't think it will happen that quickly" she said giggling

"Soph, it's really important, bad, confusing, please, can you just come, I don't know, tomorrow evening?" I asked

"Okay, I will come tomorrow evening, but can I then tell Mason to come to yours so I can see him?" she asked

"You can see him whenever and wherever you want just not at my apartment I want peace after what happened an hour ago" I said looking at clock, it was half midnight already

"Okay okay, I don't know what that bad could happen, but I will come tomorrow evening, don't you worry" she said

"Okay thanks, see you tomorrow, good night" I said

"Good night, Els" she said and hang up


Today's work at Chelsea wasn't good. I was all out of world, all in my thoughts. To be honest I didn't see Ben the whole evening. They have training today so they weren't much inside what is good because I don't know how I would talk with him after what happened yesterday.

"Damn Ela, some kidnapper can come in here and you won't hear him" Mason shouted

"Um...I'm sorry... I just-I'm not much good today" I said and looked at him

"What happened?" he asked

"I think I just slept less" I said rubbing my forehead, my head started hurting, I didn't drink much water today, great

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Actually, I came to see if you're alive, I didn't see you the whole day" he said sitting in front of me

"Sophia is probably already here, but you probably know it already" I said

"Um, yeah, I know, she texted me while I was on the pitch, I saw it when I came into changing room" he said

"Is someone hurt, or I gladly won't have work today?" I asked

"everyone's fine" he said

"Then we're finished for today?" I asked

"Yes, you can go home if mister pister don't need you" he said and laughed, he like to call main doctor and actually my boss mister pister

"Okay, see you tomorrow" I said, and he stood up

"See you tomorrow" he said and left my room

I took all my things and finally left Chelsea house.

"ELA" I heard his voice behind me, so I stopped not turning to him

"Hey, I have a feeling you avoid us the whole evening" he said running towards me

"No, I am not" I said as he stands beside me

"Ela, is that because of yesterday?" he asked standing in front of me

"No, I'm just not feeling good today, I want to go home Ben" I said and walked towards my car

"Okay, I see, however you want Ela, see you tomorrow" he said and walked away from me

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