54. Talk About Ex

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I wanted to roll over bed but strong arm around my waist didn't let me to move not to do something else. I looked on the side facing Ben peacefully sleeping while his hair was over his face, his hair really grown but I like it and I will be mad at him if he cut it. I pulled hair from his face stroking his cheek as smile was on my face just from the sight of this beautiful creature beside me. I gently left kisses over his face and when I kissed the top of his nose, he giggled hugging me tightly.

"Good morning sleepy boy" I said leaning my forehead against his looking him into eyes

"Morning my love" he smiled kissing me "what's our plan for today?" he asked holding me close to himself

"Spending day in bed" I said, and he laughed leaning his head back

"Definitely not you lazy ass" he said and flipped us over, so he was lying on the top of me "We have to go buy some things for Christmas because we are spending it with my family" he said kissing me on the cheek

"What?" I asked confused

"What what?" he asked

"We didn't agree that we are spending Christmas with your family" I said

"You don't want to?" he asked sitting beside me

"I didn't say that I just-I don't want to get into your family just like that, I would spend it with mine, after 9 years it would be nice" I said

"you're my family Ela" he cupped my face "don't say opposite ever again" he said

"We can make it out and spend time with both of them, what do you say?" he asked

"Ben, you know I am not-"

"I know Ela, but please, we've been together for a year and half now and you haven't spent much time with my family, they really want to spend more time with you because they really like you, please" he said

"They never wanted to spend time with any of girl I dated before more than they want with you now" he said

"How many girls they've met before me?" I asked, I never asked him this question

"two" he said few moments later

"How serious they were?" I asked and he exhaled

"Ela" he said

"Tell me" I said not giving up

"The last one was about two years long; it was the longest" he said, and I lightly nodded

"So, I'm still not the best" I said quietly looking away from him

"Ela" he said pulling me by waist closer to him, but I pulled away "Why are you pulling away now?" he asked

"I'm not in the mood" I said and stood up walking to bathroom

Why have I need to ask such a question? Why I am so curious? Why have I need to ruin us the morning after amazing night? After I took a shower and did my hygiene, I walked to kitchen making us breakfast.

"Ela stop, please" he said as I put our food on the table "Stop ignoring me" he said sitting on chair next to me and pulling his chair closer to mine "Ela you're not like she was-"

"I know I am not" I said as my heart was breaking

"I didn't mean that way Ela, I meant that you're not like she was because you are different, you're better, you're special Ela and I want only you, in those two years she didn't made me feel like you did, I don't know but whenever I am next to you my heart wants to jump out and you just makes me feel different, special, loved, I just....I don't want you to compare yourself with the girl I've had before you because you're much better, please Ela" he said holding my hands in his

"Please babe" he stroked my cheek

"it's me Ben, I worry about other's opinion more than mine" I said, and he pulled me by hand, so I sat on his lap

"Can I change it somehow?" he asked putting the lock of my hair behind my ear

"I need to change it myself" I said leaning my forehead against his

"okay" he whispered closing his eyes "I love you" he whispered, and I kissed his forehead

"I love you too" I said cupping his face, leaning my forehead against his and closing my eyes for few moments "let's eat" I whispered, and he nodded so I sat back on my chair


"About Christmas you've talked about earlier" I said as we were sitting on couch looking at Leicester match, but it was half time "Since yours and mine family aren't that far away from each other, or are they?" I asked

"They are not" he said looking at me

"So, then we can spend the day with yours and go to dinner to mine?" I asked

"Yeah, okay, I'm in" he said and smiled at me

"okay" I said

"And about James" he said looking at TV putting his arm over my shoulders "He asked if we want to come to Leicester for New Year, since last year we were home" he said

"Yeah, okay, I'm in" I mimicked him laughing and he threw me on the back tickling me

"Why are you mimicking me?" he asked tickling me

"I just answered your question" I said laughing as he didn't stop tickling me


"yes" I said, and he stopped tickle me kissing me gently

"I'm so excited" he said looking me into eyes

"I'm nervous" I said

"You have no reason to be, I promise you everything will be okay, they all love you and you don't have to worry about anything" he said

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