39. Holidays Plans

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"Just what I want to see" he said quietly and soon enough I felt his hands on my waist turning me around to face him

"Are you ready?" he asked looking at me and I knew what he was thinking about

"I think I am" I said not sure

"For a month I start playing" he said even I already knew that

"And I would like to see this on tribune at matches" he said holding my waist, it will be a first time of me wearing his jersey after almost a year how we are in relationship

"of course, with jeans or something" he said causing me to laugh "But first" he said and looked at ceiling for a second and then back at me

"But first we are going on holidays, Chelsea don't have important matches through summer and many of us will be at holidays so why won't the two of us disappear somewhere too" he said "and national team preparations starts in October so" he added shrugging

"I can think about that" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"You don't have to think about it, you just need to pack your things" he said holding me as close to him as he could

"I will think about it" I said and leaned in to kiss him and just a second before his lips touched mine, I turned my head and kissed his cheek pulling away from him and heading over bed trying to not burst into laughter

As I laid on bed, I was looking at him standing where I left him completely confused.

"What was that?" he asked turning around to face me with the most confused gaze I've ever seen on his face

"What?" I asked as small smile grew on my lips

"So bad actress Ela" he said and laid beside me just to start tickle me

"No, Ben" I laughed trying to get off him "Stop, please" I barely said through laughter trying to stop him, but he was just smiling at me enjoying torturing me

"Ben" I said catching my breath

"Was that funny?" he asked stopping to tickle me

"no" I said calming my breathing

"I thought so" he said looking at me seriously

"You, okay?" he asked

"no" I mumbled acting that I am mad

"Bad actress" he said leaning closer to my face "I love you too" he said and did the same as I did few minutes earlier

"Revenge is sweet" he said laughing at me and laying on his side of bed

"Yeah?" he asked looking at me as I got closer to him hugging him

"What do you need?" he asked, and I just squeeze close to him leaving kisses from his shoulder to his neck

"You little swindler" he said quietly leaving me to kiss his neck

"I love you" I mumbled against his skin

"m-hm, I love you too" he whispered as I little sucked his skin

"Leaving marks?" he asked as I looked at him

"Leaving my signature" I said and kissed him on the lips

"Today was a long day for you, let's give you a bit of rest" he said as I squeezed closer to him, and he left a kiss on the top of my head as I rest it on his chest

"Good night my love" he whispered running his hand under my shirt making circles on my back, he so well knows what I like

"Good night love" I whispered closing my eyes


"Barbados, Mykonos, Santorini... what else is good for couples' holiday?" he asked and looked towards me as I was in kitchen taking water

"Venice, Lisbon" I said walking over him

"I saw that one....um... I can't remember the name of it but it's Croatian city, a lot of people are recommended it, Mateo as well, so we can take that as an option too" he said looking at me as I sat across him on the chair as he was looking at me

"it's Du-bro-vnik" he barely spelled it as he was looking at his phone what caused me to laugh for a bit

"it's Dubrovnik babe" I said, and he looked at me

"How are you saying R that good, in that complicated word?" he asked looking at me

"it's not complicated" I said

"It is" he said and looked back at his phone

"So? What would you want to see the most? We can choose two or three places that are near each other since we have two months to travel so we can stay at each for few weeks" he said

"Of all the places you said, Mykonos and Santorini are the closest to each other" I said

"What do you say about Venice, that one in Croatia" he said thrashing with his hands what caused me laugh "and then Santorini, we also can go to Mykonos if you want" he added

"Why so many places?" I asked

"I just can't choose one" he said looking at me

"This year we can have Venice, that one in Croatia, Santorini and Mykonos, each of them for two weeks and next year we can make another three-places-plan" he said

"You just said four places not three"

"What do you say?" he asked

"that's so much money" I said not happy about his plan of spending that much money, I know he has a lot of money but that is not why I am with him, and I don't want him to spend that much money on me

"I don't care" he said looking at me seriously "Come here" he said quietly giving me his hand as I walked towards him sitting on couch beside him

"This was all my plan and I want to make first holidays with you special, I don't want you to worry about prizes" he said putting lock of my hair behind my ear stroking my cheek

"Then let me pay for something, please" I said quietly but being so serious

"No chance" he said, and I rolled my eyes

"Then you're going without me" I said crossing arms over my chest

"Els" he whispered getting even closer to me "No chance, you're going with me even if I will need to carry you from place to place" he said smiling as he was cupping my face

"You know I won't give up, but you will" he said still smiling at me "I will look at hotels later or tomorrow and I will let you know when I find the best ones" he said winking at me and kissing me on cheek

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