"How did you even sneak out?" Mirabel asks and Harry took out a pieces of parchment called "The Marauders map?" She asks repeating the phrase written. "It shows me where everyone is and it even shows me some secret passages," Harry explains smiling. "Where did you get it?" Hermione asks. "Fred and George gave it to me," Harry answers and Ron looks offended. "What? They give you some cool map and not me?" He asks.

Harry shrugs still smiling and walks backwards throwing his arms out. "Come on let's get some drinks on me," He said. "I'll catch up, gotta grab some moonshine flowers," Mirabel explains. Harry shrugs. "Suit yourself," he said and the others followed him off leaving Mirabel to grab the flowers herself.

She walks into the forest a little bit until to her luck she came across a flower bush fairly quickly nearby some boulders.

She crouches down and took out her pouch when she hears growling. She jumps up and turns around rapidly worried about some sort of beast sneaking up on her when she realized. "Oh it's just you," she said smiling at seeing the black dog she had fed around a month ago.

It looks at her and sniffs at her bag. "Oh you want some more food?" She asks getting out her lunch box and opening it with her mother's food. "Honestly the amount of food my mama sends me I'm surprised she ever has anything left for the village," Mirabel said as she put it down in front of the dog for him to eat before going back to picking the flowers.

She picks the flowers and puts them in her bag before turning and saw the dog was licking her lunch box clean. "You we're hungry weren't you?" She smiles picking up the lunch box. The dog sniffs her and she says. "Sorry I don't have anymore food," she said sheepishly.

"Anyway I kinda gotta," she said backing off. The dog follows her and she notices it. "Not sure why your following, Hogwarts doesn't allow dogs," Mirabel said continuing to walk.

She walks a short distance before suddenly something crashes into her and she falls over. The dog jumps and hides somewhere as a cloak falls off and reveals the boy that had been running under it.

Mirabel shakes her head getting her bearings and said. "Harry? Why?" She began when she saw the tears running down his face. Instantly she sat up in the snow and cups his face and rubs his back. "Harry? Harry what happened?" Mirabel asks.

"He killed them! He was their friend and HE KILLED THEM!" He screams loudly sobbing in anguish and unbridled anger. "What are you talking about?" Mirabel asks. "Sirius Black! My parents trusted him and he served them on a silver platter right to the one who killed them! They trusted him enough to be my godfather and he returned it by killing them!" He cries. Mirabel feels dread pour into her stomach. Quickly she hugs him and rubs his back. "Let it out Harry, let it out," she soothes hugging him.

He clutches onto her like a lifeline as his grief and anguish turned to a need for revenge. "I hope he finds me," he said vindictively. "What?" Mirabel asks looking at him. "I hope he finds me, because when he does, I'll be ready for him. I'll kill him, I'll kill him!" He stood up and yells for everyone to hear.


From the corner of her eye she saw the black dog hiding in the bushes. It was hunched over and it's face was low like it felt bad.

"Harry no! You do that and you'll be no better than him!" Mirabel said standing up. "Oh what would you know about it!? You have your parents! You have your perfect magical family that adores you!" Harry yells at her his anger directed at her now. Mirabel doesn't move as he lets his anger out on her. "Everyone loves you and you don't even try! You've never had to suffer in your life like I have! So don't tell me you understand! And don't even tell me he's good! Don't tell me he could be redeemed!" He yells at her.

Mirabel waits until he's done before she responds. "Harry, I don't know how you feel. I've never had to experience what you have, but I am your friend Harry. I said what I said because i don't want you to live with the guilt of becoming exactly like the man who truly took your parents from you," Harry grips his fists and Mirabel hugs him. "I'm going to be by your side to the end Harry. I'm not going to tell you what to do, I just don't want you to become the man that you despise. And Harry? Kindness is a seed inside yourself that you can choose to nurture or let die. That man let his die and I will not excuse anyone like that," Mirabel told him than adds. "I just don't want to loose the first friend I ever had," She said.

Harry breaks down crying again as Ron and Hermione caught up. "I'm so angry, I want him to suffer," Harry said. Mirabel rubs his back and said. "He will, but he's a strong wizard Harry. I don't want you running after a crazy lunatic on your own. If you do anything stupid than we're coming with you to save your butt," Mirabel said stomping her foot for emphasis.

Ron and Hermione echo their agreement. "Your not going to be alone mate," Ron said. "We're your friends and we will always be by your side," Hermione agrees.

"When they find Black we'll be right there for you," Mirabel promises and the others agreed. Harry looks at them with puffy eyes and wordlessly he pulls them all in for a hug that he really needed and that they happily gave.

Mirabel and the Marauder's MapWhere stories live. Discover now