Cavalry battle!

Izuku was slightly panicking but he was prepared! He knew they would have a team game they always had a team game second! But a cavalry battle is not what he was expecting!! His next issue.....was the massive fucking bullseye painted on him with the "awarded ten million points". See the way this game was to work is that teams are required to have atleast three memebers! Two horses and a rider, the rider would sit atop the horses shoulders and would wear a headband with a point talley on it. The objective was to steal other teams headbands without letting your rider touch the ground! It kept going till the end so even if you lost your band you were still in the running. The "twist" was that depending where you got in the race you were awarded various point totals with numero uno getting ten was meant to challenge the first place holder and basically...send sheep to the slaughter hoping they would cause a frenzy with the was evil and genius all at once, no doubt a Principle Nezu branded idea...

Everyone glares stared at Izuku who felt like they would drive him into the ground....whilst Mei had next to no idea what the big deal was....however next to immediately they'd decided to team up since that was their whole thing! They also had gear that complimented each other well....just so happened Izuku had a plan that the world would never forget....if they wanted gladiators!

He'd give 'em gladiators!

Now however was the issue of finding a third teammate....almost instantly everyone began to run into different groups, obviously the biggest threats would be the hero course..they had atleast basic training in combat and familiar in working together......So he needed someone who could ruin that training...quickly having Liz scan for his target he'd made his move....

Hitoshi Shinsou was making his way through the crowd trying to find those he saw with strong quirks when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. Turning he had to look up to see the figure who approached was the guy who'd won..and he was an absolute UNIT! He towered over nearly everyone mix that with his military esc uniform and up close he was actually somewhat frightening....Shinso also saw a girl with pink hair and weird goggles next to him.

"You're Shinso right? I heard about you calling out the hero course?" Obitos voice sounded...strange? He'd assumed the man had to have some sort of tech based quirk since it would also make sense why he was in the support course. Shaking his head from his thoughts, Shinso nodded in response to the race winner.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join us since we need a third...if what I've heard is true...I...I think you could be a very valuable asset to our team. If you follow my lead....I'm sure we can show the world that us other courses shouldn't be looked down on!" Obito said somewhat bashfully it seemed, if the expressive eyes on the mask had anything to say about it? But it was also weirdly inspiring? The tired teen considered it for a second....he didn't want his quirk known not yet! The less people who knew the better! So if he could somehow win with these two without using his quirk???! It was a golden opportunity for the final event would be painting Obitos target across himself, but he seemed weirdly confident Shinso could see that the boy had a some sort of a plan.

"Ah why the hell not! Nice to meet you partners." Shinso said dryly extending his hand out. The pink one quickly grabbed a hold and started shaking it and him very violently!

"Hatsumei! Mei Hatsumei! Cofounder of HatsuYagi incorporated patent pending!" She said with her traditional Cheshire grin! Shinso could only drawl out a long "riiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhht" he could tell the literal energy ball that was this girl was going to be way to much to deal with!

Now with a full team Izuku had removed the bottom half of his mask so it would be easier to hear them among the murmuring crowd. The sight of the mechanical jaw surprised Shinso and peaked his curiosity!

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now