Four | Kneecaps

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"Jesus christ." I stare at all the applicants to work in the restaurant and I bite my lip.

There were about thirty more applicants that applied and I could only choose up to eight more. I started reading through them and wrote down my top ten before crossing out two names and closing my laptop. I called each of them to let them know that we can arrange an interview today and they all agreed so I guess I'll be having interview after interview.

My phone rang and it was a call from Mino so I answered.

"Hey what's up?"

"Have you heard from Senna and Hana recently?"

"Hmm, no? Last I heard of them was when we all went to Gogi together... why?" I put him on speaker and get changed into some jeans and a hoodie.

"Shit." He huffs.

"Mino what's wrong?"

"I think a rival has them... we think they saw us all hanging out together." I freeze. "Their phones are off, they're not home and the last place they were seen on CCTV was round the corner from Gogi's."


"Be safe for me, hmm? We're looking for them and you know what our team is like. Just be careful and don't meet anybody on your own."

"I'm supposed to be interviewing people in an hour for the restaurant. I can't take any of the other two boys they're weak as fuck."

I hear him chuckle. "They're decent okay? Unless you want me to send over Cheol."

"Eh... I'll just bring Jay with me but thanks." I grab my phone and stare at it. "You be careful too."

"I always am." I smile to myself and end the call.

After Jay came over I filled him in on everything and he understood before we left to go to the first Interview.

"Can you sit at another table so they can be comfortable? You can be a little intimidating." I chuckle ordering three coffees.

"Alright but don't complain that I'm staring at you, I'm just keeping an eye."

"I know." I take two coffees to a empty table and sat down as Jay sat nearby where he could keep his eyes on us.

A couple minutes pass by on my phone before I hear my name, the interview has now begun and only seven left to go... great!


"You're Kim Seokjin, right?" I ask my last interviewer and he nods with a soft smile. "Do you want any coffee before we start?"

"No I'm okay, and just call me Jin." He sits down and I do as well while nodding before pulling up his application.

"So you've worked in a restaurant before as a head chef..." I look up at him. "What happened for you to leave that job and apply for The Bristo?"

"They went bankrupt."

I nod. "How did you hear about The Bristo?"

"My friend actually got one of your posters and showed it to me since I had no job and it seemed pretty good. Definitely better than being unemployed." He looked out the window for a second before looking back at me.

"Why should I choose you to become an employee?" I ask leaning back in the chair and holding the back of my neck.

"I know my way around food and I can guarantee that you'll have many customers lining up outside because of my food."

"You mean my food..." I stare at him and he nods while softly apologising. "Hmm..." I think for a moment and sigh with a nod. "Okay, you got the job."

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